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16 -16
Vìneya's POV
A lot has happened since The red death three months ago. I had to get stitches, Hiccup kept apologising and he's been a little bit of a mess. On the positive side, he's been asking more questions about Na'vi, which brings us to now.

"So why do you have the giant braid?" He asks me.
"This?" I pull my queue from behind me.
"Well, all Na'vi have them as you probably know, it's how we make tsaheylu. Bond. It's how we can go to sacred places to connect with Eywa and hear our ancestors, it's how one can connect with an animal and it's how we..." I press my lips into a thin line. Should I tell him that?"

"How you...?" He gestures for me to go on.
"Y'know what? I'm going to keep your innocence."
"What? It's not like it's how you...ohh..."

Well he knows that now...

Everything we know about you is wrong (Hiccup x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now