Chapter 13: A Life For A Life

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"She had the smallest smile break onto her face."
Toothless, The Nadder, the Gronkle, the Zippleback and the Monstrous nightmare all had riders.
Snotlout on the Nightmare, the twins on the Zippleback, Fishlegs on the Gronkle, Astrid on the Nadder and, of course, Hiccup on Toothless. Stoick and Gobber were utterly slack-jawed, with awe.

"Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move, Fishlegs!" Hiccup yelled. The Red Death shook off the blast and settles on a new target. Hiccup lead the team away from harm as they climb out of reach.

"LOOK AT US!! WE'RE ON DRAGONS! ALL OF US!!" Tuffnut exclaimed.
"Up let's move it!" Hiccup commands again.
Back on the ground Gobber had already wobbled over to Stoick.
"Every bit the boar-headed, stubborn Viking you ever were." Stoick nods in confirmation.

Back in the air the gang had been circling a little above the dragon's head.
"Fishlegs! Break it down!"
"Okay. Heavily armoured skull and tail, made for bashing and crushing. Steer clear of both! Small eyes, large nostrils, relies on hearing and smell!" Fishlegs informed.

"Okay Lout, Legs. Hang in it's blind spot. Make some noise, keep it confused! Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit! Make it mad!" Hiccup told them. The twins started bickering as he tried to explain to the Na'vi to stay with the gang.

"Just do what I told you! I'll be back as soon as I can!" Hiccup directed to the twins and then to everyone else. Him and Toothless flew around the burning ships.

Vìneya started feeling dizzy as the fire and smoke started to spread and burn her lungs when she noticed Hiccup and Toothless above her.

"Ma Hiccup!" She called. Hiccup, thank the gods, heard her weak call and immediately flew to the ship then told Toothless to go.

"Vìneya! How- Oh gods, you're bleeding. I'm so sorry."
"That doesn't matter now. Just help please?" Hiccup immediately tried to help her. Vìneya heard something approaching.

"Hiccup hold my arm."
"Just do it!" He didn't get the chance to grab her arm before the Red Death crushed the ship and Vìneya started sinking.

Hiccup swam after her and started tugging on the chains. She motioned her head for him to go up but her ignored her and then, he fell unconscious and the bit of breath that he held turned to bubbles. In the blink of an eye, Hiccup was grabbed and brought up out of the water.

Stoick brought his son onto the ground and dove back in to retrieve the girl just as Hiccup regained consciousness and was having coughing fit.

Vìneya, feeling slightly fatigued as well felt another presence and looked up to see Stoick. She hissed at him only for him the grab the neck brace and break it off of her.
Slipping out of the other restraints, she grabs Stoick by his shirt and drags him up.

"Vìa!" Hiccup raced up and smiled at her. She smiled in response and Toothless growled for them to get on his back.
"You got it bud." They jumped onto his back when Stoick stood beside the dragon and spoke to Hiccup.

"Hiccup! I'm sorry...for everything."
"Yeah me too."
"You don't have to go up there."
"We're vikings. It's an occupational hazard." The two smiled at his words.

"I'm proud to call you my son." If Hiccup wasn't beaming before, he surely was now.
"Thanks dad." Stoick turned to Vìneya.

"I'm sorry. I had no right to do what I did. You're always welcome on Berk."
"A life for a life." She nodded at him in response. Their truce had been made but little did they both know that saying would change in a few years...But that's for another story.

Stoick let go of Hiccups arm. Suddenly Vìneya yipped and an Ikran landed next to them. With no time to explain, she mounted her Ikran and hooted for it to take off. Toothless followed after and the other riders noticed.

A Na'vi yipped and Astrid yelled out.
"They're up! Get Snotlout outta there!" She demanded to the twins.
"I'm on it." They both say simultaneously. The two then start bickering. Thankfully, Snotlout saw the Zippleback flying toward him and starts running off toward the head of the Red Death. He jumps off the top of its nose and onto the Zippleback.

"I can't believe that worked!" Tuff exclaimed. As the riders fly by the Red Death's mouth, she started inhaling as the Nadder gets stuck between escape and death.

Closing in on razor sharp teeth, the Red Death almost snaps her mouth shut when a blast is shot with and arrow. Astrid falls off her dragon and plummets to the ground. A Na'vi yips and wind whistles. Astrid screams as she plummets when she's caught by a giant hand.

"Vì! Did you get her?!" Hiccup yells from above them.
"Srane!" She responded and gave a smile to Astrid who smiled back. Vìneya placed Astrid on the ground and turned back.

"Go." Astrid encouraged quietly. Vìneya hoots and Hiccup turns.
"Ma Hiccup! She has wings!"
"Okay, let's see if she can use them!" Hiccup challenged. The two turn, plummet and gain speed as they soar to the giant dragon in front of them. Toothless shoots at the Red Death's head.
She bellows in slight pain.

"Do you think that did it?" Hiccup turned to Vìneya when she gets blasted herself. She yells out in pain as she and her Ikran hit the ground.

"Tseyal!" Vìneya gets up and runs to her ikran, whom lie on the ground lifeless.

Toothless bellowed and grabbed her arm. She climbed onto the saddle.
"She's dead. My Ikran she's dead." She was in disbelief and Hiccup couldn't help but feel terrible for her but they both got their heads back and remembered what was chasing them.

"Well she can fly." The three weaved through rocks and sea stacks while the Red Death just crashed though them.

This is not gonna end well.

On the ground, everyone watched as this happened and the teens cheered them on.

"Okay Toothless, time to disappear." The good thing about night furies? They're almost impossible to see in dark areas.

The three climbed up into the clouds and just as expected, the Red Death followed.

"Here it comes!" The three narrowly missed a blast of flame and smoke. With coverage, Toothless shoots at the Red Death, piercing holes in her wings. Anger consumes the dragon and she makes a random long blast and turned her head in all directions.

"Watch out!" Hiccup exclaimed. Fire clipped at Toothless' tail and it was on fire. Shit.

"Okay times up. Let's see if this works." They turned to taunt the Red Death and Hiccup did just that.

"Come on! Is that the best you can do?!" Toothless bellows an insult and that really pissed her off. Hiccup encouraged Toothless.

"Stay with me buddy. We're good, just a little bit longer." The red death narrows her eyes. Her targets been set.

"Hold Toothless." Vìneya told him. Gas is ignited in the back of the Red Death's throat. She's getting ready to fire. Vìneya turns and realises this.
"Uh-huh. NOW!" Hiccup hits the pedal hard and Toothless extends a wing. The three pivot in place. Toothless fires a blast straight down the Red Death's throat and ignites the gas as flames spread around her mouth and she bellows in excruciating pain. Vìneya couldn't bear hearing that.

The trio sped from the clouds, the Red Death hot on their tail, exploding from within. It glances forward and sees the ground rushing up. It throws open its wings, attempting to put on the brakes, but the punctured, damaged wings can't stop her speed. As the Red Death chokes on the expanding fireball, she sees Toothless suddenly pull out of the dive, streaking up, past her head.

Head-first, the Red Death hits the ground and explodes upon impact. The three try their best to weave through the back plates, wings and flailing legs of the dragon. Suddenly Hiccup looks up to see the dragon's clubbed tail starting to fall toward them. He tries to control Toothless' tail to see that all of their time was up.
"No. No!" Hiccup gets torn off the saddle and loses consciousness as he fell. Vìneya jumped off Toothless as he tried to control himself and reached for Hiccup. She grabs his arm but were consumed by the fire.

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