Chapter 07; Forbidden Friendship

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"Maybe this boy wasn't so bad?"
Hiccup hold out the fish to the dragon and it takes the offer. It crawls forward and opens its mouth to reveal no teeth.

"Toothless..? I would've sworn that you'd have-" Hiccup gets interrupted as teeth appear and the dragon eats the fish.
"-teeth..." 'Toothless' approaches the boy and he backs up into a rock. "No no no! I don't have anymore!"

Suddenly a hand from above him grabs his tunic and he meets those same bright yellow eyes except instead of rage, they're filled with curiosity and wonder.
"H-hello?" Hiccup stutters. The being looks at him and tilts it's head.
"Hm?." It hums. Hiccup goes to remove its hood when 'Toothless' stops him with a snarl.

The being removed it's hood to reveal bright blue skin with darker stripes covering its skin and based off its facial and other features, it was a she.
"Woah! You really are a- Woah!"

The blue girls hand trails his arms and she tilts her head.
"Oh! Are you looking for this?" Hiccup grabs the apple from his jacket and puts it in front of her face. She looks at him, gestures to it then to herself.
"You can take it. It's okay." She puts him down gently and takes the apple. She nods gratefully and crawls to the lake to wash it, something she learnt to do with fruit from her kind.

Hiccup looks at her, admiring the patterns on her skin. Feeling his burning stare, she looks at him and hissed before running off and into the trees with the apple. Hiccup looks back at the dragon and saw him sucking in air as a half eaten fish lands in his lap. He groans in disgust and 'Toothless' sits like he's crouching.

He stares expectantly at Hiccup, who looked towards the trees for guidance from the humanoid. She noticed and mouthed something before taking a bite out of her apple, marvelling at the taste, and nodding towards the fish in his lap.
He double takes towards the fish and picks it up and brings it to his lips before taking a bite with a cringe. He looks back at the girl for more guidance and she swallows her fruit in response.

He swallows the slimy, raw fish and tries not to vomit as he does. He smiles at the two and the girl doesn't smile back and 'Toothless' makes an attempt to do so and ends up smiling wobbly. Hiccup holds out his hand slowly to touch toothless but was stopped by the girl and by toothless running away.

"KEHE!" The girl shouts. Hiccup looks at her to see a glare. She rolls onto her side and attempts to take a nap. Hiccup instead goes towards where Toothless decided to take a nap. The dragon follows a bird and sees hiccup. The boy waves but ends up being ignored. Toothless ends up covering his face with his tail, Hiccup, not getting the message tries to touch him again but Toothless moves his tail up and looks at him.

Hiccup shoots up and scrunches his face up as he walks away quickly. Toothless gains a bored look and walks away himself to a branch and decides to sleep there like a bat.

After a few hours later, the sun was setting and the girl had woken up as well as Toothless. The girl spots Hiccup sitting by a rock and drawing a pattern with a stick. Curiosity getting the better of her, she crawls down from the tree and creeps over to him quietly.

Sensing another presence, Hiccup looks from the corner of his eye to see the girl. His eyes widen but he looks back down at the sketch of her that he made. She tilts her head.
By this time Toothless had approached the two and saw the sketch and one of him next to it. Wanting to join in he waddled away and grabbed a smaller tree to draw with. The two look at him, one a small smile gracing their face. The other a look of curiosity and a head tilt.

After Toothless finished his doodle, it was a bunch of lines a squiggles. The girl gets up and walks into a space that was untouched but Toothless growled lightly. The girl hissed at him and he sat up straight. He nudged his head towards the lines. She gets the message and steps on the lines instead and follows them.

Hiccup, assuming he does the same, steps on the line only to get growled at. He moves his foot onto the untouched ground and Toothless, instead, purrs at him. He does this three more times before he actually stepped on the ground.
Toothless' purring grows louder and Hiccup smiles, not knowing a certain girl had a small one on her face as well while she moves.

A few small moments later, Hiccup ends up with his back against Toothless' chest and the girl threatening him with a massive knife. He turns with his hands raised slightly and looks at Toothless. He starts raising his hand towards him and the girl let's out a snarl. Hiccup stops but then looks away and raises his hand. Toothless takes the 'invite' and puts his snout in his hand. Realising what he did his eyes turn back into slits and he runs off.

Hiccup turns to see the girl closer to him in a crouch and a tilted head. She holds her hand out to him and he takes it. She twists their wrists and their hands are flat against one another's. Showing how different, yet, similar their hands were, the size, the colour, the amount of fingers. But then there were still fingers no?
"Three fingers." Hiccup muttered, this confirmed his suspicions. The girl realised what she was doing and pulled her hand away. She looks at him with a glare and runs off herself, her tail disappearing behind the trees.

Everything we know about you is wrong (Hiccup x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now