Affection and habits(headcannon?) Part I

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Hiccup: 16
Ways Hiccup shows affection:
• Holding Vìneya's hand when she's uncomfortable, overwhelmed, angry, etc.

• Hugging and cuddling Vìneya

• Separating her from the gang, his dad etc. When she looks upset, angry, or like she's about to beat the living shit out of someone.

• Picking at his sleeves when he misses her or is upset.

•Pressing his lips to her knuckles when she's nervous or having a bad day

• Going on walks late at night with her

• Giving her this look when she's too brutally honest or purposefully rude to someone, like his dad:

• Giving her this look when she's too brutally honest or purposefully rude to someone, like his dad:

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• Letting her talk to him about pandora, The Omatikaya and the other clans

• 'Admiring' her from afar when she cares for the kids on Berk. (if not kids dragons)

• Kissing her temple when she's stressed or tired.

(Hope you enjoyed)

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