Affection and habits Part II

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(same ages as before)
Vìneya this time.
• Teaches children how to speak na'vi and how to shoot a bow and arrow

• Hisses at Stoick when he speaks to her (sometimes)

•Has an OBVIOUS soft spot for Hiccup

• Plays around with Toothless when he's being silly

• Telling Hiccup about the Ikrans and how some nice sky people could give him an Avatar so he could learn to be one of The People

• Braiding hair. ALL THE TIME! Wether it's Hiccup's, Astrid's, Ruffnut's or Tuffnut's she will braid people's hair spontaneously

• Swats Hiccups hand when he tries to pick up a pencil, notebook or whatever when he's been at his desk all day

• Hits Hiccup's head when he's being a skawng

• Does what she did to make him fall asleep (Chapter 10)

• Hisses at anyone who disrespects Hiccup or pisses her off the point where Hiccup has to drag the woman away

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