Chapter 08: AH shit

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"her tail disappearing behind the tree."
The teens were sitting around a fire pit with Gobber, a piece of food cooking over the fire as Gobber told the story of how he lost his leg and hand.

Whereas Hiccups thoughts were already trailing off to a certain girl and Toothless. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened that evening. Why did she touch his hand? What language was she speaking? Questions were left unanswered as Snotlout went on a rant.

"I swear I'm so angry right now! I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot, I'll chop off the legs of every dragon and demon i fight, with my face!" Hiccup mentally rolled his eyes at the boy.

"It's the wings and the tails you really want! If it can't fly it can't get away, a downed dragon is a dead dragon. Demons on the other hand, are a different story." Gobber lets out a massive yawn. "Right, I'm off to bed. You should be too! Tomorrow we get to the big ones. But who'll win the honour of killing it?" By this time, Hiccup had already dashed off and Astrid seemed to be the only one who noticed. She moves to the exit to find Hiccup going down the stairs. She seems as if she's going to follow him but decided against it and sits back down.

With Hiccup, he stands in the back room of the blacksmiths where many sketches of the girl and Toothless lie. In his sketchbook he fixes his first sketch of Toothless' tail fin. His inventive side peeks out and he makes a prosthetic tail fin for the dragon.

The following morning, before dragon training he snuck away to the cove as one does.
"Hey Toothleeeess." Hiccup calls out in a sing-song voice and sees him and the girl playing around. Toothless spots Hiccup and the basket and jumps towards him.
"Hope you're hungry!" Hiccup tips the basket over as fish slide out onto the ground. "That's disgusting."
"Mhm." The girl hums.
"Have you got a name?" Hiccup asks her.
"Vìneya." She replies. Hiccup nods. Toothless starts snarling at an eel. In response, Vìneya kicks away the eel and says soothing words to Toothless.
"I'm not much of a fan of eel either." Hiccup tries. After inspection, Toothless eats the fish, having the time of his life.

Hiccup approached his tail with the tail fin and tried putting it on with struggle. Toothless, feeling it on his tail, drops his wings and his mouth drops open. Seeing this Vìneya tries to notify Hiccup while Toothless spreads his wings in preparation to fly.

And he does so, Hiccup holds on for what seems to be dear life. Moments later Vìneya spots them as they fall into the lake.
"YEAH!!" Hiccup yells from the lake. Vìneya, feeling a sudden sense of protection for the boy, goes toward him and checks him for injuries.
"Woah! hey i'm fine!" Hiccup assures her. "I've gotta go, but i'll be back later okay?" Vìneya nods and lets go of him.
"Today! Is about teamwork!" Gobber announces. Back in the arena, the teens were put into pairs. Snotlout with Tuff, Ruff with Astrid, and Fishlegs with Hiccup. As the dragon's cage opens, smoke surrounds the teens.

"Now a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky! One head breaths gas the other head lights it. Your job is to know which is which." Gobber informs. The teens stood back to back, buckets of water in hand.

"Razor sharp cerated teeth, that inject venom for predigesting. But for its ambush attack, crushing its victims-"
"WILL YOU PLEASE STOP THAT??" Hiccup whisper-yelled to Fishlegs.

Astrid and Ruffnut walk in a circle waiting for the dragon to appear, hearing it's snarls and growls from all around them. Snotlout and tuff do the same except Tuff has a psychotic smirk on his face.
"If that dragon shows either of its faces, Im gonna- THERE!" Snotlout spots a silhouette and points in its direction. The boys throw their water at it only to reveal...

"Hey! It's us, idiots!" Ruffnut told them in annoyance.
"Your butts are getting bigger, we thought you were a dragon!" Tuffnut laughs at himself.
"Not that there's anything wrong with...a dragoness figure-OW!" Snotlout gets punched in the face by Astrid only for Tuffnut to get snatched into the fog.

Yells of pain are heard and the girls tensed up.
"Wait." Astrid advises. Only for them both to be tripped over by a tail.

"OHHH IM HURT!! I AM VERY MUCH HURT!" Tuffnut runs out from the fog yelling.
"Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now." Fishlegs tells Hiccup. A head slithers out from inside the fog and approaches Fishlegs. Out of panic, fishlegs throws his water onto the dragons head only to find out...
"Oh, wrong head." Gas gets sprayed towards the boy and Gobber yells out his name.

Said boy runs off leaving Hiccup to deal with the dragon, Speaking of, it's heads now faced hiccup.
"Now, Hiccup!" Hiccup let out a weak grunt as he threw the water only for it to splatter onto the ground.

"Awh come on." The dragon knocks the boy over and makes its sparks.

"HICCUP!" Gobber tries his best to run towards the boy only to stop to see what the boy was doing.

"Back, back, BACK! Now don't you make me tell you again! Yes that's right! back in your cage! Now think about what you've done." Hiccup tosses an eel from his jacket and the dragon presses itself against the wall in an attempt to get away.

Hiccup closes the cage door and turns to see the other vikings with their jaws dropped.
"So...are we done? Because i've got to do something. I'll uh I'll s-see you tomorrow!" Hiccup runs out of the arena toward the cove.

Little did they know that the village elder had seen the entire thing."

Everything we know about you is wrong (Hiccup x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now