Chapter 12: Fuck your mercy!

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"Put it with the others."
Hiccup had been dragged to the empty great hall.

"I should've known. I should've seen the signs."
"WE HAD A DEAL!" Stoick keeps on walking around while Hiccup follows.

"I know we did! But that was before...oh it's all so messed up." Hiccup admits, flustered. He grabs his hair out of stress and guilt, avoiding where Vìneya had braided it.

"So everything in the ring. A trick? A lie?" He stomps toward Hiccup. Stops short and points, fighting back vulgar words.
"I screwed up. I should've told you before now. Take this out on me. Be mad at me. But please, just don't hurt Vìneya!"

"The demon? That's what you're worried about? Not the people you almost killed?!"
"She was protecting me! I don't know why but she was protecting me! She's not dangerous!"

"They've killed hundreds of us!"
"AND WE'VE KILLED THOUSANDS OF THEM! The dragons and Na'vi, they protect themselves that's all!"

Stoick turns away from his son, blazing with anger.
"They raid us because they have to. If they don't bring enough food back, they'll be eaten themselves. There's something else on their island dad. It's a dragon like-"

Stoick huffs at the boy as he turns.
"Their island? So you've been to the nest?"
"Did i say 'nest'?" Hiccup realises that he said too much. Well shit.

"How did you find it?!"
"I didn't Vìneya and Toothless did! 'Only the ones who inhabit the island can find it.'" He quoted. Stoick looks up in realisation. He could use Vìneya to get to the nest. He starts stomping to the doors.

Hiccup realises what his father was thinking.
"Oh no. No dad please no! Dad it's not what you think. You don't know what you're up against. It's like nothing you've ever seen!" Hiccup tries tugging on his dads arm.
"Dad i promise you can't win this one! No. Dad, no. FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE WILL YOU PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME?!" He tries tugging on his dad's arm again only to be thrown onto the floor.

"You've thrown your lot in with it. You're not a Viking. You're not my son." Stoick leaves the hall. "READY THE SHIPS!"
At that moment, Hiccup only felt pain, guilt and fear. There it was. He'd done it. All Hiccup wanted to do was cry in her arms.

Stoick realises what he said and stumbled back a bit. Instead he shook it off and kept walking.

Screaming was heard as Vìneya was put in restraints. Although she had bandages on her waist, arms, chest and even on her legs, they were very poorly put on and she was still bleeding.

Vikings pulled her already struggling form down and put a bound on her neck, which seemed to tighten a little every time she moved. Stoick approached her and gestured for other Vikings to take off the neck brace. Instead she tried to pounce onto him only to be pulled back by her restraints.

"Lead us home, devil. Maybe we'll have mercy on you." Stoick told her. She spits in his face.
"FUCK YOUR MERCY!" She yelled. Stoick wiped his face and the Vikings put the neck brace back on.

Hiccup was on the dock looking down at them, tears in his eyes. Stoick looks up at his son only to look down just as quickly. Hiccup stood there and watched as the ships left the docks, feeling hopeless, completely and utterly hopeless.

Astrid approached him and stood next to him.
"It's a mess. You must feel horrible. You've lost everything. Your father, your tribe, your best friend."
"Thank you for summing that up." Hiccup responded. If sarcasm was a human it'd be him in that moment.

"Why couldn't I have killed that dragon when I found him in the woods with her? It would've been better for everyone."

"Yep. The rest of us would've done it. So why didn't you?" Hiccup shook his head. He doesn't know what the hell she wants him to say. "Why didn't you??"
"Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?!"
"Because I want to remember what you say right now and so that Vìneya can know too."

Everything we know about you is wrong (Hiccup x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now