Chapter 11: Put It With The Others

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"What is this feeling?"
Morning had came and the village was crowding around by the ring. Stoick stands higher than the rest and makes a speech.

"Well! I can show my face in public again!" ouch. Laughs and applause is heard from the crowd. "If someone had told me that in just a few short weeks, Hiccup would go from being...well..Hiccup, to placing first in dragon training I would've tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad! Yes! And you know it!" Stoick playfully continued. "But here we are! And no one is more surprised...or more proud than i am. Today my boy becomes a Viking. Today he becomes ONE OF US!!" Cheers and applause erupted from the crown once more before they all took their places above the ring.

Outside the gate, Hiccup was thinking about how he could resolve this without anyone being in harms way, especially Vìneya. Astrid approaches behind him and makes conversation.

"Be careful with that dragon."
"It's not the dragon i'm worried about."
"What are you going to do?" Astrid asks him, concerned.
"Put an end to this. I have to try. Astrid if something goes wrong, just make sure they don't find Toothless and Vì."

"I will. Just promise me it won't go wrong. For her sake?" Hiccup didn't get a chance to answer as Gobber opened the gate.

"It's time Hiccup. Knock 'em dead." Hiccup walks out and puts on his helmet. Cheers are heard along with enthusiastic yells. Hiccup approaches the weapons holder, picks up a shield and a small knife.

"I would've gone with the hammer." Stoick mutters. Hiccup takes a deep breath.

"I'm ready." The cage doors are opened and a pissed Monstrous Nightmare bursts out. It crawls around the walls and fires at a group of people who, luckily, dodged the flames. The dragon crawls onto the chain roof. Hiccup looks up at it in terror. The dragon folds to look at him and jumps down from the roof ready to attack the boy. Backing up, Hiccup drops his weapons and hold out his hands, muttering reassuring words to the dragon.
"What is he doing?" Stoick mutters.

He then stopped, looked up at his father as he reached for his helmet, looking back down at the dragon.
"I'm not one of them." Hiccup throws his helmet down and the dragon looked at him skeptically. Stoick however, was enraged and in disbelief.

"Stop the fight!"
"No! I need you all to see this. They're not what we think they are. We don't have to kill any of them." Hiccup continues to hold his hand out, the dragon still skeptical.

Stoick was pissed. He stood up, wielded his hammer and yelled.
"I SAID STOP THE FIGHT!" A dent is put into one of the bars as his hammer gets thrown down.

The noise snaps the dragon out of its trance as it tries to bite Hiccups hand off. He retracts his hand and makes a run for it with a yell.
A sleeping Na'vi woman's ear twitches as she shoots up from her position. Toothless also shoots up.
"HICCUP!" Astrid yells from the bars. She grabs an axe from the wall, lodges it under the gate and with all her might, opens the cage. What Astrid didn't know is that not only Stoick but a certain lady was on their way.
Knowing Vìneya knew what to do he looked to her to see she was already scaling the wall. She lets out a frustrated yell as she claws at the wall of the cove, worry and anger consuming her. Her fingers tense, her nails dig into the ground that was covering the stone she gripped onto.
A narrow stream of fire narrowly avoids Hiccup as he continues to dash around the ring, evading the Monstrous Nightmare. Desperate, he goes to the weapon rack in an attempt to arm himself, but the Nightmare quickly destroys the rack and closes in on him.
A pissed off na'vi tears through the forest, climbing the trees and swinging from branch to branch with only one person on her mind.

Stoick throws the grated door to the arena open effortlessly and jumps through. The Monstrous Nightmare is only a few feet behind Hiccup, right on his back. Astrid is now in the ring, knowing that something would happen.

"Hiccup!" Astrid looks around to see the destroyed rack and a hammer sticking out. Acting on instinct, Astrid grabs the hammer and tosses it at the dragon with a yell. It hits its head and the dragon picks it new target. It was at this moment that Astrid knew she fucked up. She made a run for it as the dragon chased her. Stoick made it to the arena's gate and hurls it open.

"This way!" He calls to the two teens. Astrid makes it through, Hiccup on the other hand...ceased to be so lucky. The Nightmare blasts the doorway, Hiccup being cut off as Stoick puts an arm in front of Astrid in an attempt to protect her. The dragon pounces on Hiccup, preparing to make him meet a gruesome fate.

Suddenly a loud yell was heard and a giant dent was put in the bars. Somehow, a cover of smoke was put around everyone that was in the arena and yells and snarls of struggle and rage were heard. What the village never expected to see was the Na'vi woman mounting the dragons neck and using her body weight to pull the dragon out by its head.


Vìneya gets flipped onto her back on the ground as the Monstrous nightmare begins to bite her arm and tugs on it.

"AH!" Vìneya kicks the dragon back and off her. She brings her body up, grabs Hiccup and keeps him behind her.

The dragon snarls at her and she hissed back, swinging her bow at it. It tries to get to it's victim only to get threatened, swung at and even hit. It receives the message and scurries away.

"Vì you've gotta go! Now!" Hiccup pushes her by her waist as she crouched down at him. Vikings jump down from where they stand and start running toward her. Including Stoick.
"No! No Dad she won't hurt you!"

Vìneya hissed at all of them. Ignoring Hiccups protests more people were hit, shot and stabbed. Vìneya ended up tumbling into Stoick, pinning him down as she wielded her knife, raising it to pierce his heart with another yell.

"No! NO!!" Vìneya heard his protests and stopped herself and looked back at him. In that moment, to Hiccup it was only them. The moment came to an end quickly as people began to pile onto her. They pulled her arms and legs. People put stabs and bruises onto her flesh as she let put yells of pain and struggle.

"No stop please!" Astrid hold Hiccup back. "You're hurting her! Please!" Seeing how his son reacted, Stoick instead put his axe into another persons hands.

"Put it with the others."

(A/n; If you're lucky! I will pay for your therapy and emotional support.)

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