Chapter 05; Finding Out

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"So why didn't you?"
Hiccup drops the bola and walks forward into the woods, sliding over a log. He follows to where he thinks the being and the dragon went to find an entrance to a cove. Birds sang and the sun was bright.
"Well this was stupid." Hiccup says to himself, when he finds something flickering in the sunlight. He crouched down and picked up and scale and a bead.

In the blink of an eye, a black silhouette flies by only to fall shortly after. Hiccup jumps down and lands on a giant boulder that was suspended above the ground, he grabbed his sketchbook and pencil. The dragon tries to fly out of the cove again only to fail once again. Hiccup takes this opportunity to sketch out the dragon

"Why don't you just fly away?" He asked himself. The dragon fires a blast out of anger and Hiccup realised that he only had one tail fin.

The dragon tries again, and falls in front of the pond. He sees a fish in the water and gets up to try and catch one, only to fail at that too.

An arrow flies through the air and into the water. The being with three fingers stands in the tree, glancing down. It jumps down and grabs the arrow out of the water.

It takes off the fish and offers it to the dragon, saying something softly to it. Hiccup relaxes his hand only to drop us pencil. The pencil clatters and the dragon looks up, whereas the being runs with a limp back into the tree to be hidden. The dragon and Hiccup make eye contact and Hiccup suddenly feels a sense of relief?
He tilts his head, and the dragon mimics him.

The rain fell heavily and Hiccup heads to the great hall to eat.
"Where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?" Gobber asked the teens.
"I mistimed my somersault dive. It was sloppy." Astrid scolded herself. "It threw off my reverse tumble."
"Yeah, we noticed."
"No, no, you were great. That was so 'Astrid'"
"She's right! You have to be tough on yourselves. Where did Hiccup go wrong." Hiccup grabbed a plate from the table and sat away from them.
"Uh, he showed up."
"He didn't get eaten."
"He's never where he should be."
"Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breath this stuff. The dragon manual." Gobber drops a book down onto the table. "Everything we know about every beast we know of." Thunder rumbles outside as the storm rages.

"No attacks tonight. Study up." Gobber leaves the hall and Tuffnut drops a king he was fiddling with.
"Wait, you mean read?"
"While we're still alive?" Tuffnut makes a face that says 'fuck this shit i'm out.'

"Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about?" Snotlout hits the table.
"Oh! I've read it like seven times! There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face. And there's this other one..." Fishlegs starts geeking and Snotlout makes a face that says 'shut up bitch.' The twins look bored out of their minds.

"Yeah. That sounds great. There was a chance i was gonna read that..."
"But now..."
"You guys read, i'll go kill stuff." Snotlout gets up from the table and leaves the great hall, the others following, excluding Astrid, and Fishlegs keeps talking. Hiccup approaches where Astrid sits.
"So I guess we'll share?"
"Read it." She shoves the book toward Hiccup and leaves the hall.
"Uh, all mine, then. Wow. So, okay, I'll se you..." The door slams. "Tomorrow..."

The hall gets gradually emptier until the fire was out and only candles lit up where Hiccup sat.
"Dragon classifications: Strike class, Fear class, Mystery class." Hiccup reads out. "Thunderdrum. This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools. When startled, the Thunderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight. Timberjack. This gigantic creature has razor-sharp wings that can slice through full-grown trees. Extremely Dangerous. Kill on sight."

"Scauldron. Sprays scalding hot water at its victim. Extremely dangerous." Thunder claps, startling Hiccup.
"Changewing. Even newly hatched dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight. Gronkle, Zippleback, The Skrill, Bone Knapper. Whispering death..." Hiccup pauses for a moment. "Burns it's victims, buries it's victims, chokes it's victims, turns it's victims inside out, Extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, kill on sight kill on sight kill on sight...Night fury."
"Speed, unknown, size, unknown. The unholy offspring of lighting and death itself, never engage this dragon. Your only chance? Hide and pray it does not find you..." Hiccup takes out his notebook and flips to the page of the sketch of the night fury. Suddenly a tabbed page caught his eye. He flipped to the page and gasps.
The ships face a fog bank.
"I can almost smell them. They're close. Steady. Take us in." Stoick orders. A viking turns the ship.
"Hard to port. For Helheim's gate." The ships turn and disappear into the fog. A moment later a silhouette of a flying being is seen.

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