I followed your Laughter (Story 6)

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!! This story takes place BEFORE Dazai and Chuya meant each other. In this story they are strangers to each other !!

"You requested us, Sir Mori?" Black Lizard member, Ryūrō and young Dazai stepped into Mori's large office. Mori was sitting at his desk whittling with a pocket knife. "I would like the both of you to go out on portal today in the city. There's been smuggling going around with this, and the King Sheep gang rising. I want both of you to collect whatever they are smuggling, you may murder them if necessary. Understood?" "Understood boss." "Excellent. Dazai, please stick by Ryūrō's side, and if you find out the information you inform him. Clear?" "Understood boss." Dazai let out a small sigh and left Mori's dark office with Ryūrō. The both of them walked their way to the city. It was a beautiful spring day in Yokohama, with soft winds breezing in and out of people's hair, and flowers on every corner of the streets. "Ryūrō, I'm not seeing anything suspicious." "Either is I. Maybe we should look for Sheep members, after all, they are the smugglers." Dazai's attention broke after a group of young teenagers passed by them laughing.

A girl with bright pink cherry blossom hair, a blue bracelet around her wrist, and a yellow shirt with jean shorts. A male with grey shiny hair, a green jacket with fur around the head, and a blue bracelet. And another male with dark and light mixed orange hair, a black jacket his hands stuffed in his pockets, yet he had a blue bracelet around his wrist also. Dazai froze up, his eyes were only on the short ginger-haired teenage male.

A few days ago at a Port Mafia meeting.

"Mori is always late to meetings like this. I get so cold by waiting for him-" "Ah, my apologies for being tardy, I decided to bring Dazai with us." Behind Mori, followed Dazai in his black coat, a bandaged eye patch, and bandaged arms. Mori and Dazai both sat at the round table, starting the meeting. "It appears we may have potential rivals, or it is silly teenagers starting a rebellious gang for giggles. But, we have a source saying this little silly gang is smuggling something into our city. I am not aware of what they are smuggling, but that is your duty. So, while you guys are on patrol days, please keep an eye out for any smuggling behavior. The gang calls themselves, 'King Sheep.' These members wear blue bracelets around their right wrists. That is all the information we have as of now. Dismissed." 

Back to the current spring day:

Dazai snapped out of his chance, he saw Ryūrō's figure fading away, so he followed the ginger male instead. "Soo, what now Chuya-kun!? We did our job?" The pink-haired girl clinging onto the ginger male. "No, our job is far from over. We have to make sure nobody is on our tracks." "Chuya is right Yuan, our job is far from over. Chuya, the driver wants to meet us at noon, what do you want me to say?" "We'll be there, and don't try any bullshit." The Pedestrian signal flashed on the traffic light, and Chuya and his gang members crossed the street going to meet the driver. Dazai quietly followed them, blending into the crowded people. "There should be...15 bottles in here." The driver handed Chuya and Yuan a black bag. "15? You jackass, I said 20 or more."

"Look, little dude. This is rare illegal alcohol, barely anybody has this shit anymore." Chuya opened the black duffle bag to 15 bottles of alcohol bottles. "Buichirō, pay him but take away 100 yen. I want 30 bottles by the end of next week, understand asshole?" Chuya growled at the driver. "Yep." The driver took the cash and drove off. "Yuan, is there anyone suspicious lurking around?" Chuya asked as he picked up the heavy-filled duffle bag. Yuan spun around a few times, Dazai hiding behind a water fountain. "Nope! We are in the clear. Let us go!" The members walked away heading to a new destination. Dazai quickly followed them, blending in with the crowd. The Sheep got to their home base, an abandoned arcade. "What do we do now boss?" Buichirō asked while unloading the illegal alcohol. "Well, you said we had buyers coming tomorrow morning?" "Yes, we do." 

"Then you and Yuan are on night duty, I'm going out." "Goodnight Chuya-kun!" Chuya left, locking the arcade doors behind him. The sun was setting in Yokohama, making the sky a magenta color. Chuya sighed looking up at the sky, "Beautiful sunset tonight huh?" Dazai waved to the short ginger in front of him. "Uh, yeah it is-" "The name Osamu Dazai." "Oh, Chuya Nakahara." "Where are you heading to?" "Probably an arcade. What about you?-" "Sounds fun! I'm in, let us go!" Dazai grabbed Chuya's arm dragging him to a nearby arcade. Once the two of them made it to the arcade, they played the whole night, laughing, joking with each other, and making bets. "Haha! I win." "You asshole, you cheated but you can take the win." Dazai stuck his tongue out like a playful child. "It's midnight wow. I better get going now, ill see you around and will have a rematch, Dazai." Dazai chuckled opening the arcade doors for Chuya. "Yes, and bigger bets this time." "Oh, you're so on jackass. I will beat you." "I'd like to see you try." 

The sun's rays shined across Dazai's small office. He was asleep on his desk, exhausted from playing arcade games last night with Chuya. "Dazai, where on earth did you go yesterday? You ditched out on patrol." Ryūrō entered Dazai's small office, he raised his head leaning it on his hand. "Oh, my bad Ryūrō. I left to get a bite to eat and ended up falling asleep in the cafe. Did you get any new details on the King Sheep or smuggling?" "Unfountrly I didn't. Did you see anything before you...Er, fell asleep on the job?" Dazai rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "No, I didn't." "Okay, well next time don't fall asleep. I'll let it slide, this time only." "I owe you. When is our next patrol?" Mori has us schudled for Friday." "Okay. Thank you." Ryūrō left Dazai's office going back to his office. "Friday I will have my rematch with Chuya then!" Dazai chuckled before resting his head again on the desk, falling into a slumber. 

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