I can't put into words, how much I miss You. (Story 45)

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It's been two years since Dazai vanished from the Port Mafia, leaving his role as a Port Mafia executive- The Youngest Executive in Mafia history. Chuya just became the newest Port Mafia executive. The sun was thrilling in Yokohama on this warm sunny summer day, Chuya was in his apartment just waking up when his phone rang, "Hey boss, what's up?" "Chuya, the executive meeting has been delayed till three in the afternoon." "Oh, okay. I'll see you then sir." "See you." Chuya hung up and sipped on his coffee, a sudden knock was at his apartment door.

He got up to investigate, he looked out the small window on the left side seeing a mailman with a bunch of letters in his hands. Chuya opened the door collecting the letters from the mailman, he thanked him and locked the doors back up. He read through the titles of the letters; water bill, monthly rent, vehicle bill, etc. He came across one letter with no title, but it was addressed to Chuya. He glanced at the letter, it seemed like it was specifically meant for him, someone wrote something to him. He sat back down at the kitchen table ripping the envelope open. 

The letter read: 'Hi Chibi! I hope this letter finds you well. How are you doing without me in the Mafia? I would love to hear some crazy stories. Is Mori balding yet? Heh, anyways! I recently found a new job and my co-workers are super nice! My job is to save people, and help people. I'm following Oda's hope and saving people. Not gonna lie, it feels really good. I haven't got a good story for you quite yet but when I do I'll write it to you. I miss you. Sincerly, Osamu Dazai.'

Chuya crumbled the note, he had tears dripping down his face, he missed Dazai so much receiving the letter made him miss Dazai even more. "Fucking bastard." He got up and grabbed a piece of paper out of a spare notebook, he started writing his letter to Dazai. A couple of days passed by in Yokohama, Dazai was laying on the blue couch in the Agency's office humming his song, "You can't do a double suicide without~" He was interrupted by Naomi tapping his shoulder, he took off his headphones, "Hey Naomi, what's up?" She handed him an envelope, "This was addressed to you, Dazai-kun." Dazai took the envelope confused, "Oh okay. Thank you." Naomi bowed and left, Dazai ripped open the envelope finding a letter inside, his eyes lit up excitedly.

The letter read: 'Dazai, I received you're stupid ass letter this morning, you are a fucking idiot. Mori is not balding, he is the same as ever. He's black like coffee, bitter as a lemon, but wise as a dolphin. I just got promoted to Executive of the Mafia, life has been upgoing, I feel so much more respect now from the people here. A month ago I was sent out on a mission to take down this deadly creature, it was an ability user that transformed herself into a literal demon. It was fucking insane, you would have loved it. Is your new work fun to do? Do you go on crazy shit missions like in the Mafia? I'm glad you found a new career for yourself. It gets a bit lonely here from time to time, I still kinda wish you were still in the Mafia with me but it's whatever, follow your dreams or whatever. Sincerely, Nakahara Chuya.'

Dazai found himself smiling at the letter, he shoved it in his coat pocket walking over to his desk to write a letter back to Chuya, "I knew he missed me." Two weeks passed by, and Chuya and Dazai continued sending each other letters and becoming each other's, pen pals. Chuya was sitting in his office bored out of his mind, sighed to himself, and glanced at his phone. April 29th, his birthday is today. He had no plans other than going to a bar and drinking his sorrows away with delicious red wine. "You will be flying out to France two weeks from now, understood?" Mori intertwined his hands together at his desk, and Chuya stood in front of his boss's desk. "I understand, I will not let you down, sir." "Perfect, I can count on you Chuya. You are dismissed for the evening."

Chuya took his leave and left the Mafia headquarters making his way to his favorite bar, most of the time the bar was empty. Chuya enteren the bar seeing three customers, "Hey Chuya, what can I get started for you?" The bartender greeted him, and sometimes Chuya would make small talk with the bartender Moss since Chuya was a regular customer. "Cabernet Sauvignon." Chuya sat down and Moss started preparing Chuya's drink. "Is this seat taken?" Chuya didn't notice anyone's presence around him, he was caught off guard.

He looked up seeing no other than his former Mafia partner / his pen pal, Osamu Dazai with a big grin on his face. "Dazai? What- How did you know I was here?-" Dazai took a seat next to Chuya, "It's your birthday after all, I couldn't miss it." Moss dropped off Chuya's red wine, "Hey, you must be Chuya's friend! What can I get started for you?" "Scotch Whisky please." "You got it." Chuya looked at Dazai stunned completely, "You could have just sent a stupid ass letter, you didn't need to meet me. It's just a stupid birthday." Chuya was flustered, his cheeks were as red as a blooming rose.

Dazai chuckled and rested his light hand on top of Chuya's hand on the countertop. "Chibi, remember when you turned sixteen? I took you out to the arcade and then dinner, and then we went to the beach together." "I remember. You remember when I took you out on your birthday to see that stupid-ass superhero movie?" Chuya took a sip of his red wine, and Dazai chuckled, "I remember it, the awful ending! Ugh, Emma should have married Ben! The point is Chibi, for each other's birthdays we always celebrate them together. Nobody should be alone on their birthday." Chuya remained silent, his thumb gently rubbed against Dazai's hand. The bartender slid Dazai his Whiskey, "Let's toast, to the birthday boy!" Chuya chuckled and raised his wine glass, the two drinking glasses clinking together. 

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