The moon is beautiful, isn't it? (Story 43)

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Chuya slumped down in his desk chair, he had his own small office in the Mafia headquarters, it wasn't large and top-notch like the executives but it was perfect for him. Chuya started falling into a slumber until his door burst open, "Chuu!! I got our next mission task from the boss!" Chuya sat up startled, "Jesus Christ!" Chuya's heart was beating out of his chest, he shot a dirty glare at his partner, Osamu Dazai. "Did you not sleep well last night? Poor baby!" Dazai teased him, and Chuya rolled his eyes at the comment.

"What's our mission jackass?" Dazai sat on Chuya's desk, "Two citizens of the city have been kidnapped by a new gang. They call themselves 'Blood Shedders', they demanded fifty thousand yen from the Mafia or they will harm the victims. Our task is to bring back the two victims alive and unharmed, and slaughter the Blood Shedders." Dazai finished his little report and stuffed his small notepad in his coat pocket. Chuya looked at him with a blank expression, "Alright." He spoke up, "Where are we heading to?" "Kawasaki" Dazai replied, Chuya got up grabbing his porkpie hat and his black coat, Dazai hopped off Chuya's desk and they left the Mafia headquarters heading to Kawasaki on Chuya's motorcycle.

Chuya drove and Dazai sat behind him, holding onto Chuya while going on a ramble about the Blood Shedders. Once they arrived at the location of an abandoned Church, they noticed gang members by the front entrance with guns, bats, and knives. Chuya smirked to himself, "I'll take these bastards out in ten seconds." Chuya boasted, Dazai let an annoyed sigh escape his lips, "Do as you wish Chibi." Chuya walked up to the crowd and started fighting them with his ability, within seconds he wiped out the small crew. Chuya looked inside the Church windows seeing two female hostages tied up against a pillar, they had duck tape over their mouths and panicked expressions. He also noticed a large number of gang members inside, most of them armed. "Tch, this is a drag."

Chuya scoffed then walked back over to his partner, "Hey. There are at least fifty or even more armed assholes in the building, with the two hostages." Dazai looked at him, "I see." He went back to brainstorming an idea. Chuya remained silent for a while letting his partner create a plan. The sun in Yokohama started to set behind the bridge, "I have a plan." Dazai looked at his partner, Chuya was sitting next to Dazai all ears. "I will introduce myself to them claiming I have their money. You come in and use your ability to wipe them out. I will sneak myself inside and release the victims." "Let's do it. It's getting dark out."

They both nodded and put their plan into action. "Hey, boss! A Port Mafia kid is outside saying he's got our cash!" "Finally!" The boss got up from his seat opening up the church doors, "Is the Port Mafia short-staffed and sending little ass teenagers to do their dirty work? Wow, how embarrassing." The crowd of people started to laugh, Dazai sighed starting to get annoyed, "Do you want your cash or not?" "Where is the cash? Your empty-handed jackass." Dazai pointed to the motorcycle, "Oops, I forgot it in my bike over there. Let me go get it." Dazai turned around and started walking towards Chuya's bike, within seconds Chuya jumped out of nowhere and sent flying boulders at the Blood Shedders, wiping the majority of them out. Some members grabbed their guns and started shooting at Chuya, he stopped the bullets and sent the bullets back into the owners causing them to collapse and die.

Meanwhile, Dazai snuck back into the church during the chaos and made his way to the two hostages, he cut the rope with a small blade and ripped the duck tape off their mouths, "Watch out!" One of the girls squealed and recoiled, behind Dazai was the boss of the Blood Shedders pointing a gun to the back of Dazai's head. A smirk formed on his lips, "Are you going to kill me?" Dazai asked, "Your damn right I am, you tricked us! You goddamn Port Mafia bastards." Dazai chuckled and quickly jumped up head slammed his head under the boss's chin knocking him out cold.

Dazai grabbed his gun and shot the boss in the heart. "Thank you so much for saving us! Thank you!" Both the girls bowed, Dazai smiled with blood splatters all over his face, "You're welcome." He looked over seeing Chuya's fight ended as well, "We'll escort you both out." Dazai led the girls out of the church, they again thanked Dazai and Chuya and then left the scene. "You good?" Chuya asked, "Never felt more alive." Chuya chuckled at his response, the moon was now shining down onto the city. Chuya and Dazai stopped at a local restaurant to grab dinner together, nearby there was a large lake.

They both sat down by it admiring the sounds of nature, "I'm stuffed!" Dazai exclaimed and lay down on the grass. Chuya took his shoes off and dipped them into the body of water, he felt relieved their mission was successful. Dazai looked at his partner, he was staring into the abyss, his ginger hair laid on his shoulder with perfection, Dazai admired all Chuya's features under the crisp moonlight, and his cheeks started to blush. "Hey, Chuu!" Dazai smiled and stood up, He took off his shoes, his black coat, and eye bandage and walked into the water. Chuya watched him with a stunned expression, "Hey! Isn't the water cold?!" "No! It's so nice!" Dazai laughed and splashed water, Chuya covered his face from the water hitting him. Dazai walked over to Chuya and dragged him deeper into the lake, the water was up to their waists. 

They started splashing water at each other and running in the water, they both drenched each other's clothes and hair. After half n hour of the two just playing in the water, they eventually got tired and sat back on the grass soaking wet. Water droplets dripped from the tips of their hair to their jawlines. Chuya looked back up at the full moon, and a smile formed on his lips. "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" Dazai looked at his partner, his cheeks became flustered. His heart skipped a beat, he loved Chuya as well. "Yeah, I can die happy right now." Dazai smiled, Chuya looked at him and laughed a bit. Then he splashed Dazai with water. 

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