My nightmares led me to my Death. (Story 29)

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"This is a serious matter, sir." "I'm listening Ranbo." "If Chuya has a nightmare in his sleep, he could unleash corruption." "His ability to the maximum power correct?" "Correct sir, he could kill himself. Unless you have your executive Osamu Dazai with him at all times." "Their abilities complement each other... They need each other, only a diamond, and polish another diamond." "Correct sir. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Ranbo, Oh by the way, there should be some hot chocolate being served right now." "Oh! That's wonderful sir! I am freezing!" Ranbo bowed taking his leave, "Chuya Nakahara, his ability is surely strong. I cannot lose this amazing gift." Mori smirked devilishly while cleaning his small knife.

"You wanted to see both of us boss?" Dazai and Chuya walked into Mori's large office, the moonlight was shining in Mori's windows. "Ah, perfect both of you are still here." "Is there an urgent task we need to complete?" Chuya asked, "I'm assigning you both to our inn here at the headquarters, both of you will share a room since you are now partners. This transition will happen immediately, are we clear?" Both Dazai and Chuya were speechless for a few seconds, their minds processing what Mori told them.

"Boss, you mean I have to live with this shrimp now? Ugh, just working with him is a pain already!" "Hey, you! I'm not happy about this either jackass!" "Enough, both of you. Both of you head to the inn now and pick whatever room you two want, if I find out one of you disobeys this order, ill have to kill you." "Alright boss." They said at the same time leaving Mori's office. Chuya and Dazai arrived at the inn, they picked the largest room on the top floor, and the elevator ride was quiet until Chuya spoke up. "I guess this isn't that bad. I was still living in the streets up until now." Dazai looked at his partner, "This seems so sudden, I think Mori had a reasoning for doing this." 

"You think?" "Yeah, anyways I want the biggest room." Dazai stuck his tongue out as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, they both walked into their new room. It was fairly large, with a big kitchen, a main area, and two doors leading to bedrooms. They both settled in their new rooms and slept peacefully the whole night. Chuya woke up making his way to the kitchen, he noticed a coffee mug that was sitting in the sink, "Dazai?" Chuya called out, no response. "Hm, maybe the bastards at work then."

"You wanted to see me, boss?" "Yes, I owe you an explanation about last night." "I'm listening." "Chuya is a danger to himself, he is his enemy. If he has a nightmare in his slumber, his corrupt power unleashes without his consent. You are the only one that can disable his ability." Dazai was speechless, "What happens if I don't get to him in time?" "He'll die." Dazai went quiet. Later that night, Chuya was eating his dinner, he sat in his bedroom when the bedroom door burst open.  

"Jesus Christ Dazai, what the fuck is your problem?" "We're gonna have to share this room." "Huh? You already got a room, I'm confused." "It's for your own safety Chuya." Chuya's blue eyes widen, "Oh, is it because of my corruption?" Dazai nodded in response, "Oh, that makes sense, that's fine. You just better not snore or I will kill you." Dazai chuckled. For the first night, Dazai slept on the floor, eventually, they slept together in the same bed.

 A week passed by of this new transition for the both of them, Chuya tucked himself in, and Dazai already passed out. Chuya closed his eyes falling into a deadly slumber. "You betrayed the sheep!" "You traitor Chuya! I can't believe you." "No no no, guys! It was just a quick little mission I promise I'm not going to the Port Mafia! I can't leave you, guys." "You are a traitor Chuya Nakahara." "Traitor." "Traitor!" "Traitor!" "TRAITOR!"

His corruption form unleashed, Dazai felt the movement causing him to wake up, "Chuya?" His eyes widen seeing his partner's form unleashed, blood dripping down his nose and chin. Dazai quickly touched Chuya's neck eliminating his ability. Chuya collapsed into Dazai, he sobbed grabbing onto Dazai firmly. "I'm not a traitor, I'm not a traitor." Dazai held Chuya back running his hand through Chuya's ginger hair, "You're not a traitor Chuya." He muttered, which seemed to calm Chuya down, he got up from Dazai's embrace rubbing his eyes.

"Shit...Did I use corruption?" "You did." "Fuck." Chuya laid back down facing away from Dazai, his cheeks flustered in embarrassment. Dazai grabbed Chuya's waist pulling him into his warm comforting embrace. "It's alright Chuya, I'm right here." "Thanks, Dazai," Chuya mumbled before closing his eyes. Dazai stayed up until Chuya was in a peaceful night slumber.

3 Years Later: (Age 18)

"That bastard!" Chuya threw his phone across the bedroom. "He fucking left me! Are you fucking kidding me!?" Chuya got up punching and kicking the walls out of anger, with each hit he cursed out his former mafia partner Dazai, who just left the Port Mafia. "I hate you! I hate you!" Chuya screamed at the top of his lungs, he fell to his knees and broke down into thousands of tears. "God I fucking hate you Osamu Dazai." Eventually, Chuya passed out of exhaustion on the floor. 

"You are a traitor to the sheep Chuya!" "Yeah! We trusted you! You were our king! We looked up to you, we admired you!" "We did everything you asked, and this is how you betray us? For the dirty Mafia?" "Guys, no please you have to understand. It was a personal mission to me!" "Bullshit." A sheep member came from behind stabbing Chuya. "You guys..." "You betrayed me too Chuya Nakahara." His blue eyes widen, "Dazai? What do you mean? How did I-" Dazai stabbed Chuya in the heart. "You were the reason I left the Mafia. This is your fault Chuya. Everything is your fault." "No please...please." 

Chuya's corrupt powers were unleashed, and he started 'sleepwalking' and destroying everything in the apartment, the bed, the lamp, and the walls. Eventually, the whole room was destroyed. "Haha!" Chuya wobbled on his feet, he choked up a large portion of blood. His face started growing pale from blood loss. Chuya fell onto the floor, blood oozing out of his body. "Save me...Osamu Dazai."

The rain was pouring in Yokohama, the skies were grey and gloomy. Thunder could be heard in the distance, and Dazai sat at his former mafia partner's tombstone. Tears started streaming down Dazai's eyes like a waterfall. "I'm so sorry Chuya...I blame myself for this." Dazai choked on his tears. "I couldn't save you." 

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