He's a hero, and you're a criminal. (Story 38)

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"You wanted to see me, boss?" Chuya lowered his pork pie hat and stood in front of Mori, he was sitting behind his dark desk with a devilish smirk on his face. "Ah, yes. Chuya, I recall about a few years ago today you and Dazai took down Ranbo." "Yeah, I remember that fight and meeting Dazai for the first time. That punk." Chuya hissed the last part under his breath, "As you know, we are at war with the guild and have a temporary truce with the detective agency." Mori let a sigh escape his lips, "Tonight, the Agency will be taking down one of the Guild's ships with weapons, bombs, and more threats aboard. I want you and Akutagawa to go to this ship and take it down." "And the Agency is gonna be there?" "Yes, they will be there. You know the rules with this temporary truce." Mori said with a smirk, Chuya let an annoyed sigh escape his lips, "I know, I know. I can't kill that bastard yet." Mori chuckled devilishly, "Destroy this ship with everything you got, Chuya Nakahara." Chuya put his hat back on, "I won't disappoint you, boss." "Good."

Dazai, Atsushi, and Kunikida were riding in the Agency's high-speed boat, "Hey, I see a boat up ahead, is that the Port Mafia?" Dazai looked in Atsushi's direction while Kunikida was driving the boat, "Yeah, that's them. Let's go we gotta transfer over to their boat." "Are you sure about this Dazai?" Kunikida asked from behind the wheel, "Yeah, we'll be okay. Knowing Mori, he sent out two people I am familiar with." Chuya lit a cigarette causing Akutagawa to cough, "Oh shit, my bad." "It is fine, I'm used to the smoke." "Damn, black looks good on you Chuya Nakahara!" Dazai was on the Port Mafia's boat, "Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me! Tch, ass." 

Chuya's cheeks were flustered from Dazai's weird compliment to him. Atsushi and Kunikida climbed onto the boat as well. "So you must be Chuya Nakahara, executive of the Port Mafia." "In the flesh." Chuya replied to Kunikida, "And Akutagawa." Both Akutagawa and Kunikida exchanged cold glares with each other. "Anyways! Let us discuss our plan." Dazai pulled out a blueprint of the Guild's ship's layout, They all discussed the plan and prepared to fight. 

Chuya stomped on his cigarette and took off his black gloves, "Oh Chuya! You remember eight years ago today we took down Ranbo." "I remember dipshit, dealing with you back then was a pain in the ass, it still is a pain." Before Dazai could respond Atsushi found himself engaged in a fight on the Guild's ship, Akutagawa fighting beside Atsushi. "Shit, we're up Chibi." Both Dazai and Chuya engaged in the fight, Chuya using his ability, and Dazai tracking down the explosives and other weapons. 

The fight was an easy victory for Atsushi, Dazai, Akutagawa, and Chuya. They collected all the explosives, other weapons, some drugs, and more. They loaded all the stuff onto both the Mafia's and Agency's ship. "That should be the last of them, let's go." Kunikida started the Agency boat, and Atsushi got on board. Chuya put the last package of drugs on the Mafia's boat, "Let's go Akutagawa." He got aboard the boat and tended to some minor wounds, "Chuya." Dazai called, Chuya turned around to face him, "Yeah?" "Good work tonight." Dazai held out his fist, Chuya looked at him then his fist, and a smile appeared on his lips. "You too asshole." As their fists meant, eventually Dazai waved and got onto the Agency's boat heading off.

"We collected the drugs, illegal cash, and half of the weapons. The Agency got the other half and the explosions." "I see, nice work both of you," Mori said with a twisted smile, both of the boys left his office heading to their homes for the remaining hours of the night. Chuya got to his apartment taking off his black coat, his gloves, and his hat.

He opened up a bottle of wine chugging it down. He pulled his phone out of his pocket leaning against the wall, he called his mentor/fellow executive Kōyō. "Chuya? What are you doing awake at this hour?" Kōyō answered, "I hope I'm not bothering you." "Nonsense, you know the night-time is the Mafia's time to rise and do our duties to protect this city. After all, we are the masters of the Night." She chuckled coldly on the other line, "Yeah, I just got off a mission too. We went to destroy one of the Guild's main ships." Chuya plopped himself down at the kitchen table lighting a cigarette. "I see, were you successful?" "Yep." "Did you have to team up with the Agency? Sir Mori agreed to the temporary truce." "Haha, yeah we did. Guess who I worked with tonight." 

Kōyō laughed, "It was your guy's anniversary of that Ranbo battle too. How significant." "Right. I know for a fact Mori planned this out." "Most likely, knowing him. Chuya, I know you are calling me for a reason. What's going on?" Chuya exhaled smoke from his cigarette, "My heart." "Oh?" "Tonight, my heart was acting funny again." Kōyō was silent for a couple of seconds, "Chuya." Her tone was emotionless, "Yeah?"

"He's a hero, and you're a criminal. That's something no amount of magic potion is ever going to change." "But..." A single tear fell from Chuya's eye, "I love him." "If you really love him, you'll let him go." More tears silently fell from Chuya's eyes landing on the table, Chuya knew she was right. "Chuya, I have to go. I have an urgent matter to take care of. Please take care of yourself, call me later if you need." "Alright." Chuya hung up and dropped his phone on the table, he slammed his fist into the table causing it to break into pieces, and the tears poured out of his blue eyes. A sudden knock was at Chuya's door, he snapped out of his thoughts, wiping his tears with his hands, and went to answer the door. Opening the door, his blue eyes meant a familiar brunette pair of eyes. It was Osamu Dazai, "May I come inside Chibi?" "Sure." Chuya let him inside his apartment.

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