Chapter 1

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"Shit I'm going to be late!" I yelled, running down the stairs. I threw on my bag and started to bolt to school. It was about a five minute walk but since you're bolting you got there in under 2. You showed up at the gate with a few minutes to spare. You caught your breath when your second year cousin was waiting for you.


"Y/n? What are you doing?" She asked. "Sorry Shimizu, I was going to be late and had to run." I said, still panting. "I told you I could bring you." She replied. "Ain't no way I'm waking up at 6am." I told her. She rolled her eyes. The bell rang and I walked to class.

"Hello everyone. Welcome to class, I will begin the seating chart momentarily. Some girls from my grade school were in my class. Shit I thought. I had always been short, I get it from my dad. Maybe my mom, I wouldn't know. The last memory I have of her was when I was like 6, before she left us. These girls were known as the "pretty insta baddie's"  Tall, skinny, beautiful, popular fit.

"Look it's shrimpy!" One of the girls said, giggling to her friends. One of them bumped into me. "Sorry! I didn't see down you there!" She snickered. I just sighed as they laughed at me. "Okay, L/n, you will be sitting by Nishinoya." He said, pointing to my seat. I sat down, not expecting a sweet looking boy, who was about 2 inches taller than me.

"Hi! I'm Nishinoya Yu! My friends call me Noya" He had a bright smile on his face. "Miss Sato, you sit by Miss Yamasaki. The two passed by me. "Look! Shrimpy found her kind!" They teased. I just rolled my eyes, not giving them the satisfaction of arguing. "Ohh, did I hurt you so bad you're quiet now?" She giggled. "Shut up your laugh sounds like a pterodactyl getting murdered with a cheese greater." Noya told them

The girls were speechless. "W, whatever" They left. I smiled. "Thank you, you didn't have to..." I trailed off. "Look, I get it. Plus I wasn't lying." He laughed. I chuckled. "Do you play sports?" He asked. "Yeah, actually. I play track, uhm hurdles." I told him. "That's cool! I play volleyball!" He told me. "Wow! What position?" I asked. "Libero" he told me. I slightly smiled. "Okay students! Let's being by going over what we will be learning this year!" The teacher began.


The bell rang, indicating that it was time for lunch. Thank goodness. "Hey, L/n?" Nishinoya tapped me. "Yes?" I turned around. "Would, wanna eat lunch together?" He asked, flashing one of his bright smiles. I smiled. "That would be lovely!" I said. We walked to an outdoor eating area, where one of his friends were.

"Hey Noya!" The guy yelled. "TANAKAA" He yelled back. "Who's this pertty lady?" He smirked. "Hello, I'm L/n Y/n." I told him. "Wait do you know Kiyoko!?" He asked, he seemed excited. "Uhm, yea, she's actually my cousin." I told him. He let out a gasp. "She's your cousin!?" He repeated.

"Uhm, yeah, that what I said" I chuckled sarcastically. "You're related to that goddess! You should get her to talk to me!" He said. "Oh wait, I knew your name sounded familiar! Tanaka! You've liked her since forever, right?" I asked. "She talks about me" He started to cry and get a nose bleed. "Uhm, sometimes, are you okay?" I asked at he was balled up on the floor.

"I'm amazing" He said. "Uhm, okay. I'll be right back!" I said, walking toward the outdoor restroom. "Hey shrimpy! Looks like your alone, without your boyfriend to protect you!" Sakura (sato) said. "He's not my boyfriend! Just leave me alone!" I said, trying to walk past her bitch squad. She stopped me. "Get out of my way bitch!" I yelled at her.

"No way! You aren't going to get away with this! I will make your life, terrible. No one insults me you hear!? No one!" She told me, pushing me to the ground, causing me to smack the back of my head on the concrete. Then she started kicking me in the ribs. I held my side, as she kicked me again, this time in my face, giving me a nose bleed. "That'll teach you to keep your mouth shut!" She said, laughing with her friends and walking away.

Burning tears started to roll down my face. Not just from physical, but mental pain. These girls had been tormenting me for years, but I never understood why. I was on the ground for a few minutes. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands on me. "L/n are you okay?" I heard Nishinoya's voice, he sounded worried. Why?

"L/n, can you hear me? Are you okay?" He asked. My eyes were sewed shut from my tears. "Y-yeah" I was able to blubber out. I felt tired. "Let me get you to the nurse!" He said, picking me up. "Don't fall asleep!" He told me. I tried my best but then I fell asleep, when I woke up....

Shortie Nishinoya Yu x Fem!Reader (🍋)Where stories live. Discover now