Chapter 8

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Before this chapter starts, I want to say thank you to LostInBorderland for all of your support, you've been such an amazing impact with helping me stay out of my slump and I love your comments and love on every chapter thank you so much💞💕

Okay let's get this chapter started!

It was finally Friday. I had gotten through the week that felt like a year. The day felt a little bit longer because Tanaka was MIA today. But I enjoyed the one on one time with Noya. I was just at the boys volleyball practice after school, which had become an everyday thing. Every now and then I would play a scrimmage or queen/king of the court. "Okay everyone, pair up into three's!" The coach said. "Y/n, wanna be on our team?" Noya asked. "Yeah!" I smiled. I took a minute to change and put my hair up.

"Okay, we're going to start with L/n, Noya, and Asahi. They will be against Daichi, Suga, and Kinoshita." The coach said. "THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Noya yelled. "It's fine, we can beat them!" I said with a smile. We got in positions and the coach explained the rules. The others were first to serve. It was a powerful hit toward the ground, but Noya slid and caught it, keeping it in play. "Yes! Go Noya!" I cheered, as I spiked it over the net. We played for a few but ended up winning when I tipped the ball over the net.

"Nice job Y/n!" Noya gave me a high five. We walked under the net to the back side of the room as the other team walked up. (Ennoshita, Obara, and Nartia) The game was a bit tough, but we were able to win when Asahi spiked it. We continued to play for awhile and had a good streak with all of us winning a couple matches. Until about our third time around going against Suga, Daichi and Kinoshita. This time they were ready, killing our streak by the time practice ended.

I was out of breath, chugging water. "Damn, who new Y/n was so fire at volleyball?" Daichi said. Noya perked up. "I did!" He laughed. "So when are you two going on another boba date?" Kiyokko teased. "It wasn't a date" Noya and I said at the same time.


"Sure" Kiyoko chuckled. Everyone on the team could tell you had a thing for each other, you just didn't show it. "I wonder where Tanaka was today?" Daichi said. "He wasn't feeling well" Kiyoko replied. "How would you- OMEEGORD YOU'VE BEEN TEXTING HIM" You jumped up and down. Kiyoko walked away. Noya and I high fived again. "We hanging out at your house or mine this weekend?" I asked Noya.

"We haven't been to mine in awhile" He shrugged, I nodded. "My dad said he's going to get Yua, do you mind if we drop by at the diner?" I asked. "Nope, I'm starving after practice." He groaned. "Same" I complained. The bell dinged as we walked in. "Hey dad!" I said. "Hello Mr. L/n" Noya smiled. "Hello!" My dad said cheerfully. We sat down at our usual table and ordered.

Your food:

Noya's food

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Noya's food

"Thank you so much!" I said with a smile

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"Thank you so much!" I said with a smile. "It looks delicious!" Noya added. "You kids are too nice" My dad smiled genuinely. "Hey, is it okay if I hang out with Noya?" I asked. "Of course!" My dad said. We left the restaurant and walked to Noya's house. He unlocked the door and walked in. "Y/n! So nice to see you again!" His mother said. "Very nice to see you as well." I smiled. We walked to his room.

8 chapters and story months later, will something finally happen? Keep reading to find out!

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