Chapter 16

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After you and Noya got home, you went back in your room when he got a phone call from Tanaka. He put it on speaker and answered. "Hello?" 'Hey! Kiyoko and I were wondering if you and Y/n wanted to go on a double date!?' Noya glanced at you and you nodded "Bet" 'Dope! Reservations at 5' end of call. It was around 2:40pm, so you had time. You and Noya decided to finish your movie, then get ready and stuff. You got ready then we went to Noya's house after.

Noya got out of the shower, he was wearing a formal but casual fit, his hair was down

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Noya got out of the shower, he was wearing a formal but casual fit, his hair was down. Hot you thought. "Like what you see?" Noya teased as he noticed you checking him out. "As a matter of fact I do" You giggled as he pulled you by your waist into a kiss. You smiled against his lips as you kissed him back, your arms around his neck. Your fingers were running through his damp locks.

You pulled away. "You should have your hair down more often" You chuckled, so did Noya, slightly shaking his head. "What? I'm just saying" You bit your lip, smirking. He kissed you, long but sweet. "I love you" He chuckled, walking over to his dresser, grabbing his wallet. "We don't wanna be late" He smiled. You held his hand as you walked to the car.

You guys drove to the restaurant, to see Kiyoko and Tanaka waiting for you. "DAMN NOYA YOU LOOK HOT WITH YOUR HAIR DOWN" Tanaka said, hyping him up. "Y/n agrees" He chuckled. "Who do you think will win the fight for your love? Tanaka or Y/n?" Kiyoko asked Noya, chuckling. "I don't think he has a chance, I feel like Y/n would call Yua" Noya joked. "Please no" Tanaka said, shuttering.

You guys got your booth and sat down. "It's cold" You said, your over shirt was cute, but thin. Noya gave you his jacket, and you scooted closer to him for warmth. While you sat, he rested his hand on your thy. The waitress walked up. Oh shit. "Hello, I'm your waitress... oh fuck." Sakura said. "I'll get you someone else." She said, she shot you a dirty look. "Miss trust fund has a job" You told Noya, he chuckled.

"Hello, I'm Anika, your waitress!" The girl smiled. Kiyoko and I saw her check out Noya and Tanaka. "Waters for the table, and maybe one for you? You look thirsty." Kiyoko said, holding Tanaka's hand. "Oh Uhm, four waters, coming up." She stuttered, walking away. "Damn Kiyoko! Savage!" You laughed. She shrugged. "Miss girl had it coming." She replied nonchalantly. "Kiyoko's such a goddess!" Tanka said, she giggled. "I think I have a leg up on you Tanaka" Noya said. You smiled, blushing a little.

You guys ate and talked, just having a really good time. You were so glad Kiyoko found someone that is worthy and takes care of her. It had been so long since you and her have been in a happy, healthy relationship. But both of you still noticed the waitress making 'subtle' flirtations with your boyfriends. Resulting in her getting many side eye's. "So, Y/n, you excited for track season?" Kiyoko asked. "Yea, I have to start practicing is I wanna make varsity." You told her. Noya held your hand. "I'm sure you will!" He smiled.  (Guys we r just gonna pretended that I didn't call Kiyoko Shimizu b4 I was not paying attention💀)

You guys split the check in cash and went on your way. Kiyoko and Tanaka had somewhere to be so they couldn't come over after. You got in the car and you and Noya drove to your house, since his mom's book club was being held at his. You hung up your keys, locking the door. Noya was on the couch, scrolling through his phone. "That waitress really liked you" You said, sitting down. "I mean, she's really pretty" You said. "Eh, I've seen better" He said, looking at you, placing a sweet kiss on your lips. 

"I know I already said this, but you look so hot with your hair down" You said, getting onto his lap. "I mean, I don't mind hearing it" He smirked, resting his hands on the sides of your thighs. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply before pulling away. "What was that for?" He smiled, lightly chuckling. You shrugged. "Nothings specific, just for being perfect" You smiled. Noya reconnected  your lips. He kissed you passionately. After that, the two of you began to make out. Suddenly the moment was ruined when your dad called.

You pulled away, groaning as you caught your breath. "Hello?" 'Hi honey! I just got a last minute conference that I have to go to, and a couple more, I'll be in America for about a month.' "A month!?" 'I'm so sorry, but there's going to be an investor there.' "I understand..." 'I love you so much!' "I love you too" You hung up. "What happened?" Noya asked. "My dad is going to conferences in America and he's going to be gone for a month." You sighed.


Okay so, ik I said this chap would be a lemon, but it got long, lemon chapter will come soon! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Luv you guys!! 

(Especially wifey🥰💍 LostInBorderland )

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