Ending #1

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"Let me explain." Noya pleaded. "fine."
"It was when she first came back. Without warning, she kissed me." He said...

"Did you kiss her back?" You asked. "C'mon" He said. "Answer the question." You told him. "Look, I love you so so much." He said. "Answer the damn question Nishinoya!" You scolded. He was pained by you calling him 'Nishinoya'. "I'm sos orry Y/n, just we broke up when she left... And now that she's back, I still have feelings for her..." He sighed. "I knew it was to good to be true." You walked away from him. You decided to drown your pain in shots. You got tired and laid down...somewhere.

Next thing you know yo woke up in a large comfy bed, wearing a large tee shirt and sweats. You breathed in and looked around when you saw Suga. "Hey" He said quietly, smiling. "Hi, Koushi, it's so good to see you" You wrapped your arms around him, silent tears rolling down your face. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you. You felt better, you always had a thin for Suga, he's always protected you, stuck up for you. He made sure you were happy. "What happened Beautiful?" He asked, you blushed a bit at the pet name. 

You took a deep breath. "Noya and I broke up... He uh, cheated on me..." You twiddled your thumbs and looked down. "He what!?" Suga said, taking a deep breath to calm down. "You can come over whenever you need" He said. Suga laid on his bed with you and you snuggled up to you. You lifted your head up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, nuzzling back into his chest. A pink tint was across his cheeks, paired with a kind smile. You fell asleep in his embrace, feeling safe, comfortable, and happier.



Shortie Nishinoya Yu x Fem!Reader (🍋)Where stories live. Discover now