Chapter 14

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You were driving toward the address Yua was brought to. "Darling I'm so glad you wanted to see me." Kazuko said. "Psht. Not in the way you want." You replied, hanging up. You zoomed down the streets, when you finally arrived. Kazuko was waiting outside on her porch. "Hello darling." She greeted. "What the hell? Why the fuck are you messing with my family! It's me you want! Leave them alone!" You said, getting straight to the point.

"Oh my sweet girl, you wouldn't understand." Kazuko clicked her tongue. "Then make me understand." You narrowed your eyes. "Oh darling, I wanted you to be with me, in luxury! But your father got in the way." She growled. "You fucking stabbed him!" You yelled. "I only did what I had to! So I could get my little girl." She replied. "Funny you just admitted to your attempted murder." You did a scoff laugh.

Little did Kazuko know, you were recording the conversation. "But it's fine! Now we can be together!" She said. "Fuck no." You told her. "Oh darling, why resist? You were barely hanging by with him! With me you could have everything you could possibly want!" She said. "And you'd have a better sister! Sakura!" She told you, Sakura walking out. "Hello, sissy." She said.

"I want both of you to get out of my life. Forever." You told them. "Oh cmon shrimpy! It'll be fun." Sakura replied. "You and Yua! We can be a family!" Kazuko said. "Leave my family alone." You said, clenching your fists. "Or else what?" Kazuko asked. You stopped the recording without her noticing. "Or else I'll make sure both of you are so ugly, people won't want to look at you." You threatened.

They scoffed and laughed. "Sakura you had this coming for years!" You lunged at her. Beating her, kicking her, pulling her hair, re-doing that shitty nose job along with her whole face lift. Kazuko stood there, watching. "That's my girl!" She said. You got off Sakura who was bleeding and bruised. You wiped her blood off your mouth with the back of your hand.

"Your just like me!" Kazuko smiled. "No I'm not. I have a family that loves me." You said. Kazuko pulled out a knife. "Don't test me honey." She said. You swept her leg, causing her to fall and drop the knife. You picked it up as fast as you could, kicking her in the ribs so she can't get up. "Fuck you." You spit on her and got back into the car.  You went to your house and got changed. You washed your clothes and took a shower. Getting ready before you went back to the hospital. (Ur fit👇)

You drove back to the hospital and ran up to Noya

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You drove back to the hospital and ran up to Noya. He looked wrecked. He was really worried about you. When he saw you his eyes lit up. "You're okay!" He sighed in relief. He kissed you meaningfully. "What happened?" He asked. "I took care of it, and I have a recording of her admitting what she did to my dad." You told him. "Honestly, just as long as you're okay." He responded, cupping my face with his hand.

"How's my dad?" You asked, worried. "He's good, recovering. Doctors say he should wake up within a day or two" He smiled. I sighed with relief. "Thank god." You said. You sat down when Yua woke up. "Neechan, is that you?" She yawned. "Yes Yua, it's me." You told her. "Is daddy okay?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. "Yea, he's okay." You smiled.

Shortie Nishinoya Yu x Fem!Reader (🍋)Where stories live. Discover now