Chapter 7

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Noya was serving, and I was in the kitchen with my dad when he needed it but was also helping Noya. After a few hours it was closing time. "Noya, why don't you come over for dinner?" My dad suggested as we bussed the tables. "For sure!" He said. "Of course if it's okay with you Y/n" My dad said. "Of course!" I smiled. We went back to my house and I checked Instagram as I took off my shoes.

 We went back to my house and I checked Instagram as I took off my shoes

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(@ vywvw on Pinterest)
Posted by @ Tanaka ❤️105


@ Y/nlife

I tapped Noya and showed him my phone. "Oh my gosh!" He said, gasping in excitement. "Y/n can you give me a hand?" My dad asked. I walked over to the kitchen. I washed my hands and helped chop and sear stuff. After awhile I helped plate the food while Noya set the table.

 After awhile I helped plate the food while Noya set the table

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"This chicken curry looks fire!" Noya said. "Seriously! It looks delicious dad!" I agreed. "You helped too!" He said chuckling. "How was school?" He asked us. "Eh, we just took notes and got a shit tone of homework" I complained. "Yea, and don't forget the test we have to study for." Noya added, groaning. "Why don't you two study, and I could clean up dinner" My dad suggested. "No dad, we'll clean up! Then we can study, you take some time for yourself!" I gave him a warm smile, picking up plates.

"You really are my perfect girl" He smiled, giving me a hug. He went to the living room as Noya and I washed dishes. After that we went into my room and started to study and do homework. "Y/n?" Noya said, I turned to face him. "Yeah?" I asked. "Could you help me with this? I have a math test tomorrow and I'm struggling.." He scratched the beck of his neck. "Of course!" I said, scooting closer to him.

"Okay so you need to subtract -48 by x, decide it by 9 to find c and then you're good. He just stared at me blankly and blinked a few times. I giggled and reached over him, grabbing a pencil. "Okay, so first you have to solve for x." I told him, writing little notes in his book for help.


We had been studying for awhile now and decided to take a break. "Ughh, I'm so tired!" I groaned, laying down. "Same" Noya said, plopping down next to me. "Wanna watch TV?" I asked. "Sure" He shrugged. We put on Alice in borderland. ( @LostInBorderland 💖) (go read their book!! )


"Holy shit! His visa just expired!" Noya said. His phone dinged. "Damn, that's my mom, I gotta go." He sighed. "Boo!" I said. "See you tomorrow!" He said, giving me a hug. He went to the living room. "Thank you so much for letting me come over sir!" Noya said to my dad. "Anytime! My home is your home!" He smiled.


short chapter, sorry! My MH hasn't been that good so it's hard for me to have inspiration/motivation to write :( I hope you are enjoying this book so far! Don't forget to check out my other books, Crush and the sequel twinning! Crush is completed the sequel is not :/ 
Have a great day you guys!!!

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