Chapter 11

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You we're currently in Noya's room, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. "When did your mom come back?" Noya asked. "I don't know." I shook my head. "But I do know, that we need to save Yua." I said, my voice cracking as I fought off tears. Noya pulled me into a hug. "We'll find her." He reassured. "I hope so" I replied.

"What do we tell Shimizu?" I asked. "Nothing for now. We don't want to worry her. I promise I will find your sister is it kills me." He said. "I really hope that doesn't happen" I said. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips and wiped the tears off my face. "Before anything else, we have to find my mother." I said.

My dad called me. Shit I thought. "Hello?" 'Hey honey! Yua isn't home, is she with you and Noya?" He asked. I gulped and took a deep breath. "Dad, we need to talk." 'What is it?' He asked. I took a shaky breath. "Mom's back." I told him. "What?" He sounded worried. "What does that have to do with Yua?" He asked. I couldn't bring myself to tell him. Noya grabbed the phone. "Sh-she has her." He told her. The phone hung up.

While Y/n, Noya, and her dad were upset and trying to find out what was happening, Yua, was alone in a dark place.


"Please let me go!" I pleaded. "No darling, not until I get what I want." She replied. "Wha't did she do to you?" I asked. "Pft, like I'm going to tell you." She said. "I'm 4, what could I possibly do?" I asked. A lot actually, but she didn't need to know that. The woman left. I was in a damp, dark, cold basement. Tied to a chair. I was hungry, and in need of a family member. Just not that one.

"Damn, all of this started because of Sakura and her sensitive ego. Not to mention Kazuko's daddy issues." I thought out loud, rolling my eyes. I was wiggling around when I found a loose spot. I pulled my arm out and finally got that itch on my face. Okay, she'll be back in about an hour to feed me. Lets see what's going on. I thought. I loosened my other arm and untied my legs. "Okie Dokie!" I said, hopping up.

I scanned the room. I saw a paper clip and a long thin nail. I made a lockpick out of it. I was tired of being trapped in a room behind a shut door, with nothing but a window. I did my first attempt, but it didn't work. After a couple more tries, I got open. "Yes!" I celebrated quietly. I pulled on the heavy door and looked around. It was dark, with only a single dimmed light over a desk.

I walked over to it and started to look through, I saw an extra set of keys in the drawer. What idiots I thought. I grabbed them and hid the in my clothing. The clock was ticking down. I only had about 10 minutes until she came back. I carefully looked around the desk when I saw a phone. It had a passcode, of course. I noticed the time on the phone was odd. 

There was a screenshot as the background for 12:21. I typed it into the phone and it opened. Quickly, I dialed Noya's number because I had it on me for emergencies. Ring ring ringg


Noya, my dad, and I were worried sick when Noya's phone rang. It was an unknown number. He picked it up. "Hello?" He said cautiously, as he put it on speaker. 'Noya!' We heard a whisper yell of Yua's voice on the other end. "Yua!? Are you okay!?" He asked. 'I mean I was kidnapped by my sisters mom and enemy. But sure.' She said sarcastically, still talking low. "Look, I don't have much time, but I'm somewhere near that one taco place that gives you food poising, the one farther away. Near a dusty road, which is perfect for this dusty ass lady. I gotta go, please help!" She hung up.

I quickly wrote down her description. "At least she isn't hurt." My dad sighed. I held his hand from across the table. "It's okay dad. We'll find her." I said. "I think I need to lye down." He said. It hurt my heart, how much pain he's in. "We need to go. As soon as possible." I said. "I'll drive." I continued. "No, she might recognize your car. They've probably scoped out my house as well" Noya sighed. "What about someone from the teams?" I suggested. "I'll call Asahi" He pulled out his phone.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could borrow your car?" "Why? Mine got spray painted." "Okay, I will." "Thank you! No, no, I'll pick it up from your place." He hung up. "We can use it, and if he asks my car was vandalized." He chuckled.

We went to Asahi's house and picked up the car, driving far away to a dirty road, by a taco place.

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