Chapter 6

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I was in class taking notes, Noya was currently asleep. The teacher was out of the room, watching another class for some reason, like he doesn't have his own. Suddenly someone threw a paper ball at the side of my head. "Bitch!" I turned my head, facing Sakura. She was giggling like a broken down bus.

I threw the paper at her poorly done nose job. "What the fuck!?" She yelled, getting up and walking toward me. "You started it." I said. She pulled me out of my chair onto the ground. The teacher was on his way back in. "Next time. I finish this." She flipped her hair and walked away. I nudged Noya, waking him up. "Why do I smell 10 pounds of perfume?" He asked groggily. "Sakura was just here." I chuckled. "Makes sense." He shrugged, peeking at my notes and writing them down.


I was at Noya, Tanaka and I's usual spot. "Y/n, do you wanna get boba after school?" Noya asked. "The three of us?" I questioned. "Nah, Kiyoko and Tanaka are hanging out" He nudged Tanaka with his shoulder. He was blushing a mess. "I know! Well, we're technically walking next to each other with occasional eye-contact and conversations. "Nah because why is that goals-" I laughed. "For real!" Noya replied.

"Stop being a corny high-school flick." Kiyoko said, walking up. "She's so perfect" Tanaka sighed. I stared at her and blinked a few times. "Why are you here??" I asked. "My class got let out early and your dad dropped off your bento." She replied, sitting down and placing the bento on the table. "Thanks!" I said, beginning to eat. "Shimizu, can you come with me please?" I said, gesturing to the restroom. She agreed and got up.

We walked and of course the bitch squad was waiting for me. "Hello shrimpy!" Sakura said. "What do you want." I said rolling my eyes. "I just wanted to have a quick chat." She smirked. "I'll start, you should get a new plastic surgeon, this one botched it." I said in an annoyed/sarcastic tone. "Try me!" She said. "Shut up before I snatch that crusty ass wig." I said, walking into the bathroom. ( @LostInBorderLand 😭💕)

Kiyoko shoved past them. "I don't get why you were ever friends with them." Kiyoko said. "Yea, same." I agreed. Back in grade school, I was friends with the bitch squad. Then they started to tease me "jokingly" about my height. So I dropped those bitches. It hurt their ego's or something and they just turned from fake to faker.


Noya and I were walking to the boba cafe. "Hello, what can I get you?" The waiter asked. "Can I get f/f boba?" I asked. "I'll get a blended taro please!" Noya asked. The waiter nodded and walked away. He came back with our drinks, Noya and I were just chatting about our day and things at home. "How are things with your dad?" He asked. "Pretty good, he feels bad about being at the restaurant so much. I just wish he wasn't so stressed." I sighed.

"Yea, that makes sense. Maybe we could stop by the diner and say hi?" He suggested. We paid for the drinks and walked to the diner. "Hey guys!" My dad said as we walked in, he was serving a table until he walked over. "What can I do for you?" He smiled. "We were just saying hi, did you need any help?" I asked.

"Oh you don't have to" He said. "It's no worries, we want to" Noya smiled. "We'll, actually it would be a big help" He sighed in relief. We went into the kitchen and washed our hands. I put on an apron and tied my hair up.

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