Chapter 18

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You and Noya were laying together watching TV. You were just chilling on your phone reading 'Remember' by LostInBorderland  on Wattpad. Suddenly Noya got a phone call. "Hello?" He picked up the phone. "Mhm" He said. "Nah, I'm just chillin with Y/n." "I'll ask" He muted himself on the phone. "He knows" He told you, chuckling a bit. "How?" you chuckled. "Not know know, but he has a hunch" He shrugged, laughing. You sat up a bit and gave him a kiss. His smile was you favorite thing about him.

"Oh, by the way, Tanaka wants to hang out at Oji's with Daichi and Suga, you wanna go?" He asked.
"Hmmm, sure" You shrugged. "I'll go home and get ready" He said. "Okay! I'll meet you there when I'm ready" You smiled and stood up. You kissed him before he left. "I love you" He smiled. "I love you too" You gave him one more quick peck and he left. You went to your room and searched through your closet looking for something comfy, but cute.

After getting changed, you put on your shoes, grabbed your keys, and went to your car

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After getting changed, you put on your shoes, grabbed your keys, and went to your car. You arrived at Noya's house after about 15 minutes of driving. You just came in since you both had keys to each others house's. You close the door and see a girl, a fairly pretty girl, who seemed to be around your age. She had long black hair in a half up half down ponytail style. Her makeup was perfect, and her outfit was stunning. She stood a good 5 inches taller than you.

"Hi!" She said, flashing a smile, showing her perfect teeth. "You must be Y/n, I've heard so much about you!" She continued. "Yeah, uhm, who are you?" You asked. "Oh right! Sorry, I'm Ren! I've known Yu forever! You're so beautiful! Yu is so lucky!" She said. "Oh, uhm, thank you!" You smiled. "We should get lunch sometime! Just us!" She smiled. "Ren, stop hitting on my girlfriend." Noya playfully rolled his eyes and chuckled as he walked out of his room. "Hi" You said sweetly, giving him a kiss.

"You ready?" He asked. You nodded. "Bye Ren!" You waved. "Bye!" She said. "Ren's nice! How come I've never heard about her?" You asked. "She was in America for a few months, and I guess it slipped my mind to tell you" He shrugged. "Ok" you replied. When you got to the diner, you saw the team at a table half chairs, half booth. You sat down next to Noya. Everyone greeted the two of you and vise versa. "So, what have you two been doing?" Suga asked. Noya and I glanced at each other. "Uh, just hanging out, mostly watching movies." Noya replied. "Yep! I actually met Yu's best friend today" You smiled. 

"Wait, glances, first name..." Tanaka began. "WAIT DID YOU GUYS" He leaned closer and whispered "Do it?" He asked. The two of you didn't answer. Your face was tinted red. "You did what?" Daichi said, walking up. "Oh shush, we've been dating for almost a year." You rolled your eyes. "Noya, make sure you treat her with respect in those situations." Suga said. "Unless asked otherwise" Tanaka joked. Suga scoffed.

"Can we not talk about this?" You asked. "Wait, I have one question, then I'll stop, I promise!" Tanaka pleaded. "Fine." You said. "Was it good?" He smirked. "I'm not answering that" you said, mouthing the word yes to him. "Okay guys, are you going to tell her the reason we're here?" Noya said. "Huh?" You looked around. "Okay well, over the time you've been here, we were wondering if you wanted to be our manager?" Daichi asked. "Of course!" You smiled brightly.


Heyyy! I meant to post this chapter yesterday but it wasn't quite finished at that moment. I hope you like this story so far I love you all so much!! Don't forget to read Remember by LostInBorderland You wont regret it!

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