Chapter 12

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We started to drive when... "Fuck!" I said. "What?" Noya asked. "I forgot to tell my dad." I turned the car around. After about 20 minutes we went into my house. "Dad!?" I called out. "He did say he was going to lye down." Noya told me. I rushed to him room. "DAD!? DAD!? CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" I screamed. There was a knife lodged into his side. "Who would do this?" Noya asked, tearing up. "Mother would." I said.

I called the police. "H-hello, my dad has been... I just, need you to come here my location is *address*" I was balling. "They'll be here in a few." I said. I collapsed onto my knees and held my dad's hand. "Hang in there, please." I said. Noya was Silent in fear, shock, and pain. We stayed there until the police arrived. They asked a couple questions and rushed out before we could say anything about Yua.

I walked into my room and shut the door behind me. I can't this any more, I can't do it. I went into my bathroom and grabbed my sleeping pills when Noya walked in. "Y/n, no, please" His voice was shaky as he saw me. He ran up to me. "I'm sorry, I just can't do it anymore." I cried. "P-please, no. I can't live without you, I need you in my life." He said, my hand fell down, dropping the pills. 


There were no more words shared in that moment. Noya couldn't believe that he had almost lost the person that he loved most. Your hand brushed against your thy, causing you to wince. "Y/n? Be honest, did you do anything else?" Noya asked. Nothing could describe how badly he wanted to remove your pain, how he would do anything to make you happy. "I" You looked away. Noya shook his head. "No" He started to hyperventilate. He pulled you into a hug. "We're going to fix this. And I will do anything to take away your pain." He said.

You sat there in his embrace. Silent sobs within the two of you.

Meanwhile with Yua

Yua was sitting in her chair, she had finished her stale bread and flavorless soup. Suddenly, Kazuko (y/ns mom) came in to take the dishes and re-tie Yua. Kazuko had blood on her, and Yua noticed. "What the fuck!" She yelled. "A young girl like you should not use such fowl language! She must have some decency" Kazuko replied. "Decency? You have blood on you." Yua said. Kazuko denied it. "What a silly imagination!" She said. Yua distracted her while she was being tied so the knot wouldn't be as strong.

Where are they? She thought to herself. Though she wouldn't admit it, Yua was terrified. And her brain was running through 1000 thoughts at once. Once Kazuko left, I freed myself from the chair


You and Noya were blazing down the empty road. You cut the trip by 25 minutes. 35 minutes later you got the the taco place. "She said that it was a house near here." I looked around. There were about five houses. You and Noya each went  to a house. After you each eliminated 2, there was one left. A small, but wide house. The back door was open. There was a car outside so you guys had to find a place to sneak in. The back door was open. The floor creaked as you walked.

You noticed a large creepy door, that really lived up to the cliché. Noya tired to open it, locked.  We hid as we heard a jiggling of the handle from the other side. The door swung open. And there standing was Yua. You picked her up, hugging her, not wanting to let go. "Where's daddy?" She asked. I sighed. "C'mon, let's get you home." Noya said. Yua locked the door, keeping the keys.

You guys got in the car and drove home. Noya took a quick picture of the house and address. You went home and gave Yua food and water. "Where's daddy?" She asked again. "He's, at work." I lied. "Y/n, I'm a four year old, but not stupid. I can tell you're lying. What happened to dad?" She asked again. I sighed, I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I turned and looked at Noya. He kneeled down next to Yua. "He's, in the hospital. Kazuko did something very very bad to him. But, he's getting treated." Noya explained. Yua hugged him, tears pouring from her face.

I'm so sorry guys! Please don't hate me 😭 I promise good chapters are up soon!

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