Chapter 4

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After school I walked with my friends to the gym. Kiyoko was already there. "Kiyoko! Hello my goddess!" Tanaka said, crying. She rolled her eyes and walked away from him. "I love it when she ignores me!" He said. A couple more people walked in. "Who's this?" A tall lowkey attractive silver haired boy said.

"This is my cousin." Kiyoko said. "Hi, I'm L/n, Y/n!" I introduced myself, shaking his hand. "I'm Sugawara, Koshi" He introduced himself. "Suga! We need to get started!" A brown haired muscular man said. "Sorry Daichi! It was really nice meeting you!" He smiled and walked away. Another tall man who looked like, twice my size walked in. I stared as he towers over me.

I had to look completely up at him to see his face. "Hi" I said a bit intimidated. "Hello! I don't think I've ever seen you before, I'm Asahi," he said sweetly with a smile. "I'm L/n, Shimizu's cousin" I said, any intimidating that was there was gone. Noya jumped up and gave him a high-five. I giggled and sat down. "Oh, does Y/n like a certain boy?" Kiyoko teased. "No! We're just friends!" I replied. "Psht, okay" She laughed. I rolled my eyes and watched them practice.


"I can't believe I'm sitting next to Kiyoko!" Tanaka repeated crying happy tears. She chuckled softly, thinking no one heard, but I did and looked at Noya like 👀 he did the same 👀. I pulled out my phone.

Dude dude dude you heard that right?????

I totally ship them💞💞


They would be perfect he would treat her like a Queen 😩

Can I tell u sum that u have to PROMISE not to say anything to ANYONE abt


She thinks he's cute 🤩



"What are you guys doing?" Kiyoko asked. "Nothing!" I said, putting my phone in my pocket. "Okay? Why are you being weird?" She questioned. "I'm not, right Noya?" My voice pitched. He nodded vigorously. "Yea, she's not being weird!" He said. She stopped asking questions and just looked at me. "Y/n almost fought someone today!" Tanaka said, breaking the silence.

Kiyoko laughed. "Who?" She asked. "SaKuRa SaTo" I said. Kiyoko scoffed and rolled her eyes. "She deserves it. Especially after last week, putting you in the- OW" I kicked her and gestured to my dad walking over and then glancing at Tanaka. "Ah I see" She said. My dad walked to our table.

"Hi dad!" I said. "Hey! I didn't know you were coming today!" He smiled. "Shimizu! How's my girl!" He gave her a hug. (Ik he's a character I made up but I love how genuine and sweet this man is😭) "Hi Oji!" She replied. "Noya! It's good to see you again! I've heard a lot about you since then!" My dad said, smiling. "Oh have you now?" Kiyoko grinned. I shot a dirty look at her and she just chuckled.

"What can I get you? On the house!" He said. "You don't have to" I said, not wanting him to feel forced. "Of course I do! Anything for my daughter her friends, and my favorite niece!" He said smiling. "Don't tell Osana" He winked. I chuckled. We ordered and he brought it back about 10 minutes later. (Y'all got a thing to share)

"I want this to be my final meal

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"I want this to be my final meal. Put me on death row if I get to eat anything or everything here!" Noya said. I chuckled. "Seriously! Best spot in town!" Tanaka agreed. (Ok I'm abt to do a cliché thing but idc bc I love when this happenes) "Kiyoko you have something on your cheek" Tanaka wiped it away. I fist bumped Noya under the table.

Short chapter sorry!! I don't really have inspo rn and my MH is kinda bad :( I'll try my best to keep up with my stories! Luv you 💕💕

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