Chapter 9

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You and Noya were chilling, watching a movie when his phone dinged.

(Noya's texts)

Yo Noya


Chillin wit y/n

I'm havin a small party u in


Noya turned to face you and tapped your shoulder. "Hey, one of my friends is having some people and he invited us, wanna go?" He asked. "Yea, sure" You smiled. "Bet!" He said. "I just have to go to my house and get ready" You told him. He nodded. "Wanna meet there?" I asked. "Yeah" He replied.  I walked to my house and picked out a few fits. I wasn't sure how to dress so I texted Noya.

Hey, what should I wear?
It's like a small party so whatever

Ok, thanks 😊

I chose an outfit and took a quick picture to post. I'm fairly active on my social media and enjoy posting.

 I'm fairly active on my social media and enjoy posting

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Noya texted me the address. It was too far to walk so I took my car. (Y'all already know ima show u ur car🤪)

 (Y'all already know ima show u ur car🤪)

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I got in and put the address into my GPS. I drove off. After about 10 or so minutes, I arrived.


Alr b there in a few just gotta do sum first


I took a deep breath and walked through the open door. "Oh hell no." I said, as I saw Sakura there, making out with some dude. "Hey! You must be Y/n! I'm Kuroo!" The boy said walking over. "Uh huh." I said with a slightly disgusted look on my face. "You good?" He asked. "Mhm." I responded.

I managed to dodge Sakura until Noya got here. I ran up to him. "Noya! We have a problem!" I whisper-yelled. "What is it?" He asked. I gestured toward Sakura, who was once again sucking Kuroo's face. "Oh shit! Sorry, I didn't know she was going to be here" He apologized. "We can leave if you want" He said. "No, you want to do this, I can deal" I gave him a reassuring smile.

Finally, the queen bitch, sorry bee herself saw me. "Hey Y/n! How are you?" She asked. I stared blankly, blinking a couple times. "What the hell is going on?" I asked, dumbfounded. "What do you mean?" She smiled. I made a grossed out facial expression. "I'm going to leave, what ever this is" I said turning my hand in a circle. (I hope yk wut I mean by that lol)

I walked over to Noya. "Dude I'm scared." I told him. "Why?" He asked. "Sakura's being nice to me." I said, shuttering. "Ew, why?" He asked, cringing as well. "I think to impress Kuroo" I replied. "Y/n! Come play a game with us!" Sakura said, pulling me. I looked back at Noya and mouthed help. Noya followed me as I was dragged.

"So, Y/n, why don't you tell all the amazing things about us being friends!" Sakura said as we went to Kuroo. "Oh like when you beat me up and put me in the hospital? Or how you constantly call me shrimpy? Or how about you throwing things at me? You know all those fun years of mental and physical abuse." I ripped my arm from her grip and walked away to the front door, standing outside.

"Sakura, is that true?" Kuroo asked. "N-no sh she's joking!" She shuddered out. "No she's not." Noya walked up. "What?" Kuroo said. "And I know that for a fact, I was there to whiteness what happened for the past few months." Noya said. "No! He's lying!" She said. "No I'm not!" He responded. Kuroo looked at him. "I'm the one who took her there! Because your girlfriend got mad at Y/n for trying to stand up for herself!" Noya continued

"It can't be! She's sweet, always talking about how good friends she is with Y/n" Kuroo said. "Believe what you want Kuroo." Noya said walking away. Noya came outside and walked to you. "I'm so sorry" He shook his head. You suddenly placed a kiss on his lips. His eyes widened at first, before he kissed you back. You pulled away. "Thank you" You smiled.

Shortie Nishinoya Yu x Fem!Reader (🍋)Where stories live. Discover now