Chapter 13

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Beep beep beep

You were standing over your unconscious dad. You couldn't touch him, just look. His torso was wrapped in gauze with blood stains. Noya was with Yua in the waiting room. When she came rushing in. "Daddy!" She yelled, running to him. Noya held her back. "Yua, you can't touch him." Noya said, you could hear his heart breaking in his voice.

"Daddy!" She said, crying, trying to go to him. Noya held her back. "Daddy! Wake up!" She cried. She turned around and held Noya. He picked her up and held her close to him. She sobbed. My heart was breaking. Everything my family has been through is my fault. I needed to fix this.

But before I left, suddenly the beeps slowed. Beep...... Beep....... Beep. I ran to get a nurse or a doctor, or someone. "Doctor! Nurse! Someone! Help!" I called out. A nurse practitioner heard me and walked over. "Is everything alright?" She asked. "He was stable but now his heart rate is slowing down!" I said, biting your nails.

The nurse paged the doctor on her walkie-talkie. "I need assistance ASAP in room 23." She said into it. "You guys need to leave." She said. I gasped, we left and I was sitting in the lobby. 
My breathing was shaky. I needed to fix this. I needed to figure out how. I couldn't lose my dad. I couldn't. I don't know what I'd do without him.

Hours passed when the nurse said we could some in. "He's stabilized. But he will need surgery." The nurse said. "Thank you so much. Is he going to make it?" I asked, my voice cracking. "He's seems like he will. Right now he will be under 24 hour care. We have our best doctors on it." She said. I sighed. She put her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, we will do everything we can." She smiled at me.

"The surgeon will be here soon." She said, we walked out once again. Yua was curled up against Noya, still sobbing. I can't imagine how she feels. She's been through so much that a 4 year old shouldn't have to go through. Suddenly I got it. I knew what I had to do.

"Noya..." I said. "I'll be back." I said. "Where are you-" He began. "I'm going to fix this." I said. He sat Yua, who had fallen asleep from crying carefully on the seat, and stood up.

"But, what if you get hurt? Or worse" He said, worried. I kissed him deeply. "I'll be okay." I told him. A tear fell down his cheek. "I love you" He told me. "I love you too" I said. He kissed me again and I left.

I got in the car and started to drive as I dialed a number. "Hello" The voice on the other end said. "Hello mother." I said.

Shortie Nishinoya Yu x Fem!Reader (🍋)Where stories live. Discover now