Chapter five The explanations lead to unwanted guests

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Chapter five
The explanations lead to unwanted guests

Jane's apartment
Time unknown.

Jane sat comfortably on a fluffy tiger playing a game of chess with a fiery orange orangutan. Who just so happened to have a Scottish ascent.

"You're really good at this game." Jane said petting the Tigers head.

The monkey nodded. "I better be lass I've played this game for most of meh life."
The monkey made a move on the board and smiled. "Check mate!"

"Aaa!" Jane groaned. "You always beat me, well played orangutan."

Jane smiled in her sleep as she dreamed of this strange board game.
She rolled around in her covers muttering something about the orange monkey.
Inside her dream she walked away from the orangutan and tiger. And ending up in her own bedroom. Jane stood there in her pajamas and slippers, staring at her television.
Jane walked to the Tv reaching out slowly for the screen. This was an odd thing to do, for anyone. But was nothing compared to her in a chess match with a monkey. However, when she touched it the screen turned on and a fuzzy display was seen. She thought nothing of it, but watched it, as if the screen became very interesting.

"Hello dear one." A voice said from the Tv with a thick ascent she could not place, yet found it comforting. "It has been too long that we have been apart. Pleas rejoin me, leave the monsters that pursue you and come back home with me."

A hand as black as the void reached out and offered itself to her.
Jane stared at the hand and pondered whether she should take it. Not afraid or timid, just calm and blank. She certainly was not scare, but felt happy, she felt safe, like a reunion of friends was happening.

"Don't be afraid." The voice said, just for an extra measure.
"Never in the million years I've searched for your sweet soul, would I want to hurt you."
Jane was not afraid, but it was nice to be reassured, she looked up slowly.

"Trust me." The voice whispered. She took the hand without hesitation and was led in to the screen looking up at a pair of bright brown eyes.

"Who are you?" She said dreamily. "Why are you here?"

The voice chuckled and whispered close to her ear. "I am here to help you remember me as well to give you a warning."

"What warning?" She questioned.

"The vampire." The voice said. "He cannot be trusted, we are agreed on this yes?"
"If you are referring to Alucard then yes we are, but what does that have to do with anything."

"It has to do with the fact that if you are not careful, he will destroy you."

Jane stiffened from the words but remained composed. "Why, I have done nothing to him there is no reason or justification for him to do such a thing."

"Evil people do not need justification to do as they do, this you must know."

"I know it." Jane huffed. "But I require hard and clear proof that he has plans of such a thing, forgive me but I am not one to believe just anyone who speaks to me, no matter their intentions."

"Smart you are, but then shall I show you my reason for giving you this warning. And why you must believe it?" He asked.

Jane truly saw no reason not to see why she needed to be warned and nodded to the speaker.
With that a searing pain shot through her chest like a hand seeped in to grab her heart. A warm liquid then spewed from her chest causing Jane to scream from the pain feeling a strong arm wrap around her.

The voice spoke in her head as she writhed. "Just hang on the pain won't last forever, I need this. "Jane cried out despite his kind words, she could now see the blackness fade away from her and see corpses of people whose chest were split open. Full chunks of their hearts were missing, allowing their still warm intern organs to spill out over the floor.

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