Chapter twenty one Changing perspective and shape

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Chapter twenty one
Changing perspective or shape?

December twenty fourth,
Christmas eve.

In the early morning hours of the day the Hellsing estate was completely surrounded in snow. It was nearly five feet deep and pure as powdered sugar, floating to the ground like graceful dancing. The gardens, with its withered flowers, still held beauty of an ice pavilion. There was not a stone, petal, blade of grass, or tree that was not glazed over with a layer of glass like ice.

However, in the evergreen threes surrounding the estate, color remained. Cardinal birds of a vibrant red fluttered from the deep green of the pines. They flapped furiously from tree to tree, shaking away the powered snow that fell to lay on there crimson wings.
By this time, only the servants and butlers of the mansion were awake. Tending to chores, preparing breakfast, and finishing with decorations for the high holy holiday the next day.
There was not one room in the estate that did not have a nativity scene somewhere. Wether it be in a painting, a small picture, or the display with miniature figures to represent the animals, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. There was no exception, every corner of the house was celebrating the holiday even in the smallest way.

It was at this time in the morning that Jane stood by her bedroom window. She wore a thick shall over her shoulders, plush clothing resembling sweats and a sweater, as well as fur covered slippers that swallowed her small feet in soft black fur.

She held a steaming cup of hot chocolate, sipping at it slowly while watching the snow cover her window.
Jane loved the winter, she loved the snow almost as much. But unlike others she perfected to love them from the inside of her house. On occasion she would walk in the snow, but the walk would be brief, and she would quickly return inside.
Though today would be the exception.
She had plans to drive into the city and attempt to get one or two more gifts for Christmas. Jane had already done most of her shopping online, and was most successful in getting what she wanted. But there were some gifts the she could not find and needed to try one last time in London, hoping to find the perfect gifts.

For Thomas she got a new twenty five carrot gold watch, for Seras a few more video games for her game system, for the generals and captains she purchased them all thick whole coats from Scotland which surprisingly cost more than Thomas's watch. But the only one she hadn't found a gift for was Alucard.
She was stumped on what to get him, for truly she knew little on what he liked. Blood and the color red was a given, but other than that he was a brick wall. So naturally the act of buying a gift is difficult. She thought about getting him a TV or entertainment system of sorts, it would give him something to do at night when not on missions. But again she did not know if he was one for such things.

Jane sighed, her warm breath fogging the window next to her.
She placed her cocoa on her nightstand near to her bed. Then walked to a small intercom on the wall. She pressed a clear button on the speaker, a small beep ringing when she did.

"Thomas, can you please have a car prepared for me. I will be driving my self into town today."

"Yes young mistress I'll have it ready in mere minuets."

"Thank you Thomas."

Jane stepped away from the intercom trotting briskly to her walk in closet. She swung open the doors, moving quickly toward her small
collection of shoes. She pulled off her slippers and picked up a pair of her every day foot wear.

She marveled how the closet was so large, and only a fraction of it was filled with her won belongings. So she used the rest of the closet for storage, where she kept her boxes of personal books and belongings.
Jane came out from the closet again, her shoes on and a jacket covering the shall still on her shoulders. She gently placed a few hundred pounds in to her billfold that rested in her pocket, careful not to bend the edges of the cash. She was unaccustomed to carrying so much money on her, that she often thought someone had just deposited a stolen bounty in her pocket. But then she would remember it was actually her money and mumble to her self at how paranoid she was.

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