Chapter seventeen The night she rises

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Chapter seventeen
The night she rises

Captain Parson sat in the front of the assault van watching his men cram in to the back, He looked to each man as he came aboard, welcoming them to what was to come.

"Let's move jets only two hours before the sun setts, we want to be on sight by nightfall!"

"Yes sir!" The men sounded off. Each man was armed with his choice gun, secured to their arms by a sturdy strap. Their body's were protected with plenty of bullet proof vests, iron plates, and their hard hat helmets. Out side the van Jane followed behind waiting to get on, she was last to board the van, and looked as ready as the rest of them.

Before the call to arms, Jame managed to sneak into the armory one last time and procure a standard sword, it was made of real metal and sharpened to a point. She felt more secure or protected with her perfected weapon on her waist. Having a gun was useful for many things and provided quick protection, but the sword gave her strength.
            As she and the last of her group piled into the van Jane placed her finger on a button that connected to a microphone strapped around her neck.

"How do things look big red?" Jane asked. Alucard stood in the surveillance room watching the screen, his eyes fixed and his arms crossed. Other men that were in the large room sat at their stations watching the monitor and satellite GPS for the safest route to travel. On the screen Alucard stared at what was the van in the front lot with several images of the area around them, and one of Ashford. He had a head phone in one ear and a microphone over his mouth to communicate with Jane.

"Were fine here Jane, once you leave we will have eyes on every thing."

"Good to know."Jane breathed.

"Relax." Alucard urged. "I will stay in the surveillance room and watch over things, stay focused."

Jane smirked. "Roger that big red." Alucard rolled his eyes at the new call name Jane invented, but let it slide for now. On the other side of the room the main door opened and in walked Sir Harold with some members of the board, all of which had unsure faces. Alucard sneered returning his attention to the screen.

"Jane, you have an audience."

"The board?"


"Wonderful just what I needed, a skeptical group of men watching me, it's high school theater all over again." She sighed. The men walked to the middle of the room, standing a good distance away from Alucard to watch the screen.

Back inside the assault van Jane fidgeted in her seat next to Calin.
"You nervous?" Calin asked.

"A bit." Jane answered. "You?"

Calin bobbed his head back and forth, swaying the brown curls around his chestnut eyes.
"Yea, but this pup I'm sure we can handle."

Jane laughed weakly. "I hope so." She then needed to change the subject. "Weren't you in the forth Garrison with Seras, what are you doing in the front line?"

Calin smiled glad she brought it up. "I asked to be put here three weeks ago, Captain Victoria had to give me a test to see if I could handle front lines. And based on me being here, I passed with flying colors."

"I would congratulate you but I don't think this is a great place to be congratulated on."

"Maybe." Calin said. "But it's what I want to do."

Jane nodded absently. "If you say so."

"Alright ladies!" Captain parson called. "Tonight we have a simple in and out mission, the objective it to take out our W,W with out complications."

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