Chapter seven Jealous demons can have clousure

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Chapter seven
Jealous demons can have closure

Alucard walked aimlessly around the Hellsing estate, each footstep equivalent to a ghost's stride. His hands were behind his back, appearing to have a strangely calm demeanor about him. The large circular glasses resting on his angular nose burned around the rims of were the moon reflected brightly as he walked. At this time of night, a good percentage of the house was asleep, leaving the estate to be quiet, lifeless, dormant. These hours of graveyard silence Alucard had one of two choices, sit in his dungeon all night, or walk around the estate. If there was a mission then he would be out tacking care of his orders, but tonight no such orders had been given, leaving the vampire with a dreaded nightly silence, followed by more emptiness.         

            The quiet of the house both pleased and infuriated him, only so much stillness in one lifetime can be tolerated for a soul, but hundreds of lifetime's dealing with the voiceless void was torture. When the sun brought him discomfort it also brought the roar of life, much like the silence of night, the chaos of day had the same effect. Nothing was perfect for his ears, nothing was bearable, nothing was meeting him halfway. Such had been his attitude toward the world for the last few centuries or so, after his imprisonment in the contract. Since then, everything had changed, and not entirely for the better.
                      It had been two months since Integra's birthday celebration in which time he had been locked away in his restraints, having no food or contact with any other living thing besides rats. It was a refreshing break from humanity but still, it was a punishment. He was unable to walk or move, unable to do anything except sit on the cold floor, starring at his boots. Each day he wished to sleep in his coffin only a few feet away, and every night he could only endure the silence always burning in his ears. Some would have called this punishment inhuman but then again, he was not human, he was nothing close to human, he was a monster. So, there he sat in his dungeon for two months, waiting for his punishment to end.
               Now finally free, Alucard paced toward Integra's office doors and saw the warm light of the lamps gleam under the door. Alucard tilted his head at the light, then walked with ease through the wall. Inside the office Intagra sat half asleep at her desk reading over an article from that day's newspaper.

"Even at this dank hour you still manage to occupy your head with work." Alucard stated stalking to his master's armchair. Integra kept her eyes on the paper but was not reading. Instead, was working out a crossword puzzle, tapping the rim of her pencil rhythmically over her shriveled lip. Integra had once again managed to completely overlook Alucard's assault to Jane, proceeding to act as if it did not happen. Only inside had her trust in him been greatly damaged, and though she wished to go on with her life working with the vampire, she knew he would never make up for his act of betrayal. Yet here they were, once again close to each other after a month of his basement exile and Integra ensuring Jane was unharmed by him. Integra was relived though that Jane remembered nothing of Alucard hypnotizing or touching her, so all was well in that respect.

"I wouldn't call this work, more like, my nightly brain teaser." Integra said, Alucard looked over her shoulder gazing down the page.

"Ephemeral." He said. "Three down is Ephemeral."

"Hm." Integra nodded, scribbling down the word in the appropriate blanks. While she was writing Alucard looked over her desk, the stacks of paperwork and reports menacing over the hard wood. He picked up that day's record folder from the science department, going over the remains of the previous vampire kill. Integra did not mind him reading over it.

Alucard smirked. "The maggot who the first Garrison encountered at the gas store, they finally got him, hardly a true vampire attack, more like a child playing tag."

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