Chapter thirteen The substitute

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Chapter thirteen
The substitute

October twenty fourth.

A black car slowly drove up the gravel way to the front door of the Hellsing estate. A door man gets out of the drivers seat, and opens the car door quickly. Out from the car came a man who stood at five seven, had a flowing rush of mustard colored hair combed down to his neck. He wore a stylish suit underneath a heavy coat, to block the autumn winds. On his coat was the badge from the board, signifying his importance in high society. He observed his surroundings, as the chill wind blew orange and brown leaves in the air. with a pleased looked on his face, he thanked the door man and breathed in.

"So this is the famous Hellsing estate." He mused looking down at his watch. '12:05' "This should be entertaining."

He marched up the stairs to the font door, his coat flowing behind him when the doors opened up before him, showing a butler smiling.

"Welcome to the Hellsing estate Sir Harold Turner, I am Thomas Holt the head butler and manager here."

Sir Harold walked through the door and handed Thomas his coat. "Well I must say it is a pleasure to be here." Harold nodded his head in a strange sarcasm, but at the sight of high stone arches holding up the celling, huge blue tinted windows, marble floors, and the grand stair cases, he happily walked further in to the hall. "This will do just fine." He said with a smile.
Thomas folded sir Harold's coat over his arm, then shut the tall doors to the estate.

"Where is Jane Hellsing?" Harold asked rather shortly. "I must speak with her before anything else is started."

"The lady Hellsing is currently in her office, I was instructed to take you to her once you arrived Sir." Thomas said as politely as the butler should be.

Harold turned to the butler with his hands secured to his pockets. "She has an office?" He asked.

"Of course sir, why wouldn't she?"

Harold ignored his question looking back to the whole of the room. "Never mind that, were wasting time talking here, take me to her."

Thomas bowed. "Right this way." He handed off Harold's coat to a near by maid, then proceeded to lead him upstairs to Jane's office. Through out the walk Thomas observed Harold keeping a close eye to every detail of him. Harold was busily looking at every object in the corridors and hallways, like they where being judged. It seemed to Thomas that he approved of everything, not lacking of amusement in those eyes.

"Here we are sir." Thomas said stoping in front of a pair of double doors.
Harold nodded looking down to his watch again.

Thomas knocked twice and heard a small "come in!" from inside.
He opened the doors, leading Harold into the office. The room was as Harold expected it to be with white walls, checkerboard floors, grey blue curtains on the windows, and a large dark wooded desks in the middle of the room.
Behind the desk sat Jane with a pile off books to her left and one opened book in front of her. Above her like an undead statue stood the creature that Harold had heard so much about. The no life king, Alucard, in the flesh before him.
The vampire was currently over Jane's shoulder, observing what she was intently reading. Jane stopped a moment and asked about a passage, then pointed to the page. Alucard read the material, then instructed her in a low murmur.

"Sir Harold Turner." Thomas announced to the room, at that Jane and Alucaed looked up from the book they where reading, then shut it with a snap. Alucard looked annoyed by the interruption of his lesson, but Jane seemed relieved to take a break from it.

"Ah, sir turner." Jane smiled standing from her seat. "What an honor it is to have you here at last, I'm afraid you caught me doing some book work, but please come in." She offered her hand to Harold which he shook it with light fingers. "Allow me to introduce my self Sir, my name is."

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