Chapter six New recruits

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Chapter six
New recruits

Integra arched over her desk looking across the stacks of papers piled high like a mountain top. She pulled out one of the folders from the top and opened it, there were photos of hundreds of men in military shots, along with background history, family, medical records, and current funding towards the royal crown.
Integra shuffled through all the papers, her prune like fingers running over every little detail of information. She carefully pulled a cigar from her pocket and lit the tip greedily, the vapors from the cigar filling her mouth and lungs, causing the already deadly cancer to constrict and tear her lung tissue. Integra coughed out wildly, spitting out the cigar from her mouth with a spray of blood spattering across her desk. She ripped a rag from her breast pocket chocking out the red concoction of blood, dead lung tissue, and saliva.

She was running out of time.

Seras ran in the room from the office door. "Sir Integra!" Seras panicked, and dived to Integra's side, patting her old back carefully. Integra grasped on to Seras's arm for support trying to control her fit. Seras gently placed her gloved hand right over where Integra's left lung would be and gasped.

"It is getting worse."

Integra closed her eye and took long deep, haggard breaths. "Yes Seras, I know."
She looked at Seras with her good eye. The deep oceans of her pupils pleading with Seras. "Keep it to yourself."

"Why?" Seras questioned quietly "You need help."

Integra looked away and closed her eyes again. "I have already been inspected with doctors, there is nothing that can be done. And it would only make matters worse if the estate thought I was too frail to lead."

Seras sighed. "I understand Sir Integra, though I may not agree. You should at least try and relax and stop smoking. "

"You are free to your opinions Seras however, I will decide when you are able to make them known."

Seras slowly seated Integra back in her chair, they both looked at the piles of paper and files.
Integra sighed with a glum grayness, consuming the area around her shrunken eye socket.

"Do you want me to brief the new men? I can handle it." Seras offered.

"No, I have overseen the briefing since I first excepted the title of Hellsing. I'm not dead yet Seras, I will serve until my last breath. Understood?"

"Yes sir." She mumbled and raised up from Integra's side then walked towards the door. "I'll go get the men then." Integra nodded straightens her posture as best she could. This was the third recruit beefing this month, keeping the men fresh and ready for instruction. Integra wanted this increase in men for the benefit of the organization, and for Jane. Seras returned shortly with a host of men at her heels all wearing the Hellsing uniform and marched in like army of rookies.
Once the men were in their rows integra stood.

"Welcome to Hellsing gentleman, today you will go through the briefing that will complete your enrollment here. It will be to the point, short, and without me repeating myself so pay attention. Here at the Hellsing organization we respond to a certain kind if threat to humanity. You have heard the rumors and tall tales, so I will put them to rest. Your job is to track down and kill the mystical, the legendary, and the dangerous without hesitation.
Are targets consist of Ghouls, demons, freaks, vampires, and if your especially lucky, the Section 13 Vatican members." The men chuckled around her and continued to listen.

"We find these creatures, kill them, and at all times keep an anonymous presence. The public is never to know of the organizations existence under any condition, do I make myself clear?"

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