Chapter twenty seven Aranging fate

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Chapter twenty seven
Arranging fate

"An attack on the city?" Thomas commented as he brought a first aid kit to Jane's bed side. She was sitting on the hotel bed, in the penthouse, dressed in evening attire, talking with Thomas about the raid at the building. At the moment, she was utterly tired and not in a very good mood from her confrontation with Alucard.

"Yes, lucky for us if Mr Gregory hadn't shown up and tried to do away with me, we would have never known about it. I am simply relived that whole affair is over and the organization can focus on more important subjects. Once we get back on our feet again, then things will calm down and go back to normal."

"So you are putting this whole murderer business behind you then?" Thomas asked opening the kit tacking bandages and alcohol rub out.

Jane sighed. "It would seem so since there is no murderer to pursue anymore, though the subject of Integra's death has been on my mind for so long, I have no idea what to do next. It's not like I can just forget three years of relentless heart break, and expect to move on in one day." She explained as she took the alcohol rub and bandages from Thomas.

"No Mistress you can not, but would you rather forget and never remember it, or learn from it and heal over time?"

Jane smiled at him. "I suppose learn from it, but it won't be easy."

"Mistress if anything in life was easy what is the point of life to begin with, it is suppose to be a challenge." He clarified. "All you need is patience, then every thing will fall into place, trust me."
He walked over to a silver cart he had brought up, and produced a tray of food to her.

"Here is your dinner my lady." He said cheerfully. Jane nodded, but was absent, not very pleased with how this evening was turning out. He placed the tray on her bed side table, then smiled lightly. "What is troubling you Mistress?" He asked with supreme genteelness. Jane glances to him, then returned her gaze to the floor.

"I have been cooped up in this business for too long Thomas, not with the organization it self, but I mean not having much of a life besides the organization ." She sighed. "I need to go out again, get back to the good old days when I did not have to deal with vampires and complicated relations."

Thomas raised his brows with worry. "Are you wanting to quit your position in the organization?"

"No, no my dear butler, I mean actually out, with people. Going to a coffee shop, to the park, to a show, or restaurant even. It seems an eternity since I have done such things. Trust me I have no intentions to leave the Organization though. It is my life now."

Thomas's gaze of worry softened, becoming soothed and relaxed. His opportunity had arrived so he bowed and smiled. "I think I may have just the event to cure you of this need."

Jane looked to him. "Do you?" She asked, to which he nodded happily.

"Yes Mistress, it is a Party of sorts. A patron of ours had invited us to an event at their estate. It has long since past however, he is conveniently holding another next week on Friday, and if you feel up to it, I may take you."

Jane's face gradually light up in to a interested smile, she sat up and leaned forward a bit. "A sort of celebration Thomas? Why did you not tell me sooner, I would have replied back to them my self."

"You were far to busy at the time, and so I took care of the arrangements, it was no trouble."

"Which one of our patrons had invited us?"

"Sir John butler."

"Ah, our most charitable patron, as I understand it."

"Indeed." Thomas agreed.

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