Chapter twenty six The way we fall

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Chapter twenty six
The way we fall.

Now this plan only took a total of five minutes to explain and for the most part was a fairly good. Jane had apparently been thinking about this moment for some time and had already prepared her self for this evening. an emergency pack was under her bed for such situations, complete with spare cloths, toiletries, and a small pistol with extra ammunition.

The plan was so that should the undercover member of the organization tell his master that Jane was coming, they could catch them easily. Jane would ride in one of the two defense helicopters to escort her personal jet that Alucard would ride in. So if they should be attacked from the ground or in the air Alucard would handle it and have her prize.

This plan had been on the back burner of Jane's mind and encircled around Alucard's abilities and the trusted members of Hellsing that were with her.
To avoid suspicion Thomas would ride with Alucard as well as a few heavily armed men, Jane would only ride with the men on the helicopter and a flight companion of her choosing. Knowing that anyone from Hellsing could be the one undercover, she boarded the helicopter with her companion and early so not to give away her plan.

Her flight companion actually volunteered him self to join her, General Calin had returned the day before Alucard did from his family business and was more than happy to help protect Jane in the helicopter.
No one objected to this seeing that Calin was a capable man who could do very well in a fight, so he was allowed to go with Jane.

Earlier that evening Alucard had told Jane all he discovered about her killer that he was a demon, and his power was just a mighty as his own. He predicted that the demon was near to the same age as him but would have to look at the demons blood to be sure. Jane was indeed shocked by this information but was not deterred from her goal, in fact it fueled her to peruse this creature and bring him to justice, her justice.

At three in the morning every one was in their places and ready to set off, Jane and Calin were in the helicopter while Alucard and Thomas resided in the jet. At three twenty the air craft were airborne and on their way to Austria, the ride would only take about two hours to land at the nearest air port to Hungary where they would regroup with Seras and her men with a report. Should all go well the teams would hunt down their killer and finally bring him to justice.

Ten minuets in to the flight Jane was dozing and her walkie talkie sounded off with Alucard on the other end.

"How is your ride so far master?" Jane groaned then answered, bringing the speaker to her mouth.

"It would be a lot better if I could get some sleep." She sighed and imagined him chuckling at her.

"Sleep then, but contact me again when you wake." He sounded sincere in his words. Jane furrowed her brows at his words, finding it odd he would want constant updates.

"You are not worried are you vampire?" Jane joked finding his concern foolish from one such as he. But the receiving end was silent for a moment making Jane question her self. "Alucard? You aren't worried, right?"

"No." He finally spoke. "Not worried." He was silent again. "Get some sleep then tell me when you are up again, as a kindness to me."

Jane took a deep breath looked out the helicopter window to her right where the jet was flying, she gazed at it then put the speaker to her lips. "Alright I will." She said softly then turned the device off. Jane could see the dim windows of the jet as the sun had not yet risen and the sky was dark. Two red cat like eyes glimmered across a window near the center of the plane then disappeared just as quickly. It may of been her imagination by lack of sleep but in this line of work she could never be sure, Jane turned her head to the left and saw Calin looking at the jet as well, a light scowl was on his lips.

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