Chapter thirty This is the end

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Chapter thirty
This is the end.

"And to think it all could have been avoided if they had never come." An Iscariot member mumbled to his fellow comrades after hearing the news. The Hellsing leader, her vampires and men, had returned to the town of Bistritz where the rest of the Iscariot and Hellsing men waited in case of an emergency.

An hour earlier after the sun had risen the vans roared from the Borgo pass of the Carpathians and pulled into a reserved one deck hotel that could only house one hundred maximum. The lady Jane, when she emerged from the van, looked more dead than the vampire that followed behind her. The Iscariot's asked a soldier what had happened he told them that their General, Calin, had fallen to his death from a damaged bridge.

The news had certainly shocked and concerned the Iscariot men, but then the accusations flew and gossip was unavoidable. Jane ignored them and went into the hotel with out a word to anyone, as Alucard and Seras kept close to her. It was clear that Calin's death had upset her greatly. Jane her self, gave little to no response to Alucard when he came to comfort her. It got to the point that she completely ignored him, to which he growled but said nothing. Too him, she was still fragile, but he never left her side, not for a second.

"I am surprised that the boy was so careless, from what I saw he was the best man Hellsing had, odd that his undoing would be from a bad step." Another Iscariot member spoke up while walking into the Romanian country side hotel. They huddled together in groups around the place, and spoke quietly waiting for orders.

"Still it was rather foolish, if you ask me the vampires should have gotten the soil instead of taking a greater risk and bringing humans into a hostile environment. It was asking for trouble."

"No need to start up bickering about." A Hellsing soldier said when passing by the Iscariot group. He was more free spirited of the men, and therefor spoke his mind and did not care for the glare he received. "Jane knew what she was doing and was wise in doing so. Yea we lost a man today, it happens all the time, but it does not make her a poor leader."

The priests looked skeptically about the one soldier as he walked on to rejoin his men, but not another word was said about Jane Hellsing. In truth, no one wanted to quarrel that or make a fuss.

Outside the air was crisp and clean with out a cloud in the sky. Allowing the beauty of the land to be flushed out and flourish. The atmosphere in the hotel was grim enough with out starting a fight, so the men as a whole, used the spare time they had simply to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the land. The hilly and mountainous county side of Bistriz was too majestic, painted with the lush yet dark forests, sharp peaks, plummeting valleys, and other lively wonders that non dare pass up.

Jane however, was one of those few who chose to miss the beauty from
outside, and remain with in the Hotel. The aspect that she actually left Calin's body, alone in the hidden castle was enough to catch her emotions off guard, tossing her mind against her heart. It was a fantastic adventure to enter the castel for Jane, yet she lost someone dear to her, some one she cared about, and it could have been avoided, she could have saved him.

This fact that he could still be alive taunted Jane hopelessly and she was unable to see through her own grief. She ignored the fact that she had a job to do, she had to get her men home again, the soil must be dealt with and made into Alucard's new coffin quickly. The only issue now was getting over her emotions on Calin and focus on what was needed to be done, and that was no small task at the moment.

Jane sat on a bed in the room reserved for her, she felt lower than the dust and twice as despicable. Alucard sat across the room glaring at her, yet again he tried to make her see sense and have her do something, but she was non responsive to him. He grasped the arms of his chair, the wood creaking under the pressure of his hands. His anger was enough to make even the furniture tremble.
Alucard was growing impatient with her, which was odd since he usually had a perfect span of patients, but time was running short.

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