Chapter twenty nine Past the point of war

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Chapter twenty nine
Past the point of war

"Why would you require your armor, we are just getting soil, nothing more." Thomas said as he packed the last of Jane's two suitcases. She stood by her closet door pulling out the case that held her full body armor.

"I told you Thomas." She said with a huff. "The Pope told me there are reports of vampires and other such creatures in those mountains, taking this is just a safety precaution." She yanked the case up, then made sure all the locks were in place for the trip.

"If you insist Mistress, but with all the men you are with, as well as the men from the Vatican, I believe your safety will be well taken care of. It is not like you will stay for more than a day or so." He took the armor case for her, as well as her suitcase with his other hand. "Not to mention, Seras and Alucard will be watching you like a pair of hawks. But if you feel the need to take it, then so be it." He sighed.

As Thomas turned to put her luggage in the foray, Jane made the final preparations to set off for her little adventure. She was more than a bit excited to go to the Carpathian mountains and see count Dracula's home. It was her untouched dream to be in the resting place of the famous vampire. Though it never really felt real to her until she started packing. At once she did all of her packing with in an hour, she was ready to go before anyone else was.

Jane shut the curtains of her room, made sure all the lights were off in her chambers, closed all the doors, and blew out all the renaming candles from the previous night. The lights for the estate had since then returned to full power so all the candles in the place were put away for another time.

As Jane left her parlor and closed the last door that lead into the corridor, she saw Devin coming her way with cleaning supplies.

"Morning my lady!" She called.

"God morning Devin, getting your chores done I see." Jane smiled as she locked her chamber door.

"Yes ma'am, I wanted to get a head start on my duties so I could relax this evening."

"You will practically have the whole place to your self. Do you have any plans while I am out?"

Her cheeks turned a rosy red as she smiled at Jane. "Well Schrödinger and I kinda have plans to be with each other tonight, spend some quality time in peace."

Jane raised a brow at Devin, but smirked mischievously. "Oh I see." She placed a hand on her hip. "Well in that case you two better play nice, I don't want to come home and see my estate a mess."

Devin's face became flustered red. "My lady it won't be that crazy." She insisted. "You make it sound so naughty."

Jane bobbed her head, and shook her finger. "I'm just saying, besides I have no room to judge."

Devin nodded. "So you and-" she hesitated making sure no one was listening. "You and Alucard are still seeing each other?"

Jane blinked in surprise and leaned toward Devin quickly, almost crushed into her face. "Who told you that?" She hissed.

"Alucard did." Devin confessed. "Certain arrangements were made between us, and he told me what you two we're up to."

"Oh yes." Jane said stepping back quickly and was relived. "Now I remember, he bribed you to watch me in exchange for time with Schrödinger."

"Yes my lady, it was a mutual transaction that I thought was rather fair and beneficial."

Jane smirked. "Well in that case yes, we still are seeing each other, but he is a little out of sorts at the moment. Hopefully when we repair his coffin and return he will be in better spirits.
Alucard has not had sufficient sleep in a few days and though he tells me he is fine, I can tell when he is tired."

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