Jungkook Jeon

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It's 1990..

Somewhere in the rural corner of Korea..

Jeons are the oldest royal family line in Sanri village, whose blood line goes back to several centuries. They are the most significant family line in the history of Sanri Village. The village is almost an isolated village from rest of Korea in the middle of dense forest in San mountain ranges..

Some places around the San mountain ranges are tourist attracted place. Because of the tourist and government facilities those areas are developed to towns, since Sanri is inside dense forest where only off road vehicles can travel, it's still a hidden treasure for some tourists.

Most of the people are still riding horses and using Bullock carts for transportations in that village. Few off road vechiles are operated for adventurers who wish to visit the village to experience one of the oldest culture of Korean history.

One of the most important tourist spot in Sanria is Jeon's old castle. It's a private castle still owned by the Jeon's family. Adventurers can only view the castle from another peak or they can view the front gate of the castle which is a kilometre away from castle. It's a vast land.

Jeon Jungkook is the sole inheritor of this whole castle

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Jeon Jungkook is the sole inheritor of this whole castle. Though he is the last surviving blood of Jeon's blood line, he could only inherent the castle and the mountain land that comes with in the castle premises.

According to the tourists and some new people of Sanri, he is the most richest in the whole village. True!!! But he is a poor and  hardworking survivor amoung all his ancestors. He only have the old castle and land which can only provide him shelter. For food and other needs he have to work hard.

Jungkook would have been a billionaire, if he sold his castle in auction

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Jungkook would have been a billionaire, if he sold his castle in auction. But he don't want to do that for some unknown reason. He is a very secretive person who doesn't wanna share anything about him with anyone. He won't let any tourist visit his castle, as he is trying to renovate it brick by brick.

On seeing his stubbornness and to make him sell the castle , Sangri's village head  decided to marry off his daughter Jinnie to Jungkook. That's the reason village head forcibly brought his daughter back from city college to seduce Jungkook.

At first Jennie didn't want to obey any of her father's orders, but on seeing how handsome Jungkook is and how big his castle is...Jennie accepted to seduce and marry Jungkook. Jungkook didn't fall for Jennie at first, but when Jungkook was drunk and vulnerable, Jennie seduced him.

They slept together and later Jungkook married Jennie because of  Jennie father's pressure. Though it is a loveless marriage for both of them , Jungkook treated Jennie right. To the eyes of villagers they are happy couples, but to Jungkook......Jennie is just a castle mate.

Jungkook tried hard to love Jennie, make her happy and survive this marriage, but he couldn't do that, as he have deeper desire for a imaginary person who he call as Silver swan!!. No living person knows about this silver swan or his desire... But for Jungkook that person means home, love and meaning of his existence..

There is a secret chamber in the castle, which is hidden for so many years which is solely dedicated to the Silver swan. The chamber is built by Jungkook's great grandfather Jeon Hyun, solely for the Silver swan. The Silver swan is a girl with lush silver hair, with whom Jeon Hyun fell in love with when he was young.

Hyun and Swan

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Hyun and Swan...

One day when Hyung lost his way in the middle of dense forest , a beautiful silver hair girl came in white horse rescued him and brought him back to his castle. Later she will come at nights to see Hyun. The boy fell in love with the silver hair girl and expressed his desire to his father.

Jeons being the richest royal family that time denied Hyun's request, more over many thought Hyun is just hallucinating as no one other than Jeon Hyun met this girl. So Hyun's father ordered him to bring the girl in front of him, if he want to marry the girl. But he couldn't find Swan anywhere. She vanished!

Though Jeon Hyun married years after that, he couldn't not forgive or forget the swan. Till his last breath he searched for the girl all over the forest and mountains. He couldn't find the girl or her horse.

In memory of her, Hyun drew many pictures of her and wrote many books and stories about her. He stored everything in the secret room which no one other than him can access. Years after his death Jungkook found a peculiar key in his great grandfather chamber. He kept it with himself.

Jungkook found the secret room when he was 14. That's the time he lost his parents in a accident. His parents left him with castle but still broke, he didn't have any source of income. The books and the stories in the chamber was the only thing kept him alive and active in that situation.

Jungkook started to restore his castle chamber by chamber. He worked as a lumber jack in the days and restore his own castle at nights, he struggled all his adolescence... But he refused to sell the castle in any situation . He treated the secret chamber as a scared place and treasured everything related to Silver swan.

The physical struggles never tired Jungkook because at the end of the day he will come back to his secret chamber and find solace amoung the portraits of Silver swan. But after his marriage everything fell apart.

Jennie become difficult to please. She wanted a luxurious life but Jungkook with his minimum wages couldn't provide it. Everyday become hell for the couple and every sunsets ends with the fight.

As Jungkook never had a happy day in his life, he thought this is how married life will be. Jennie will start a fight every day and end with offering a solution to their problem. Her solution will be selling the castle or opening it for tourists. Jungkook tried to deny both...

At last... Jungkook accepted for Jinnies final offer without having much of a choice. The idea is to open a hotel by modifying the castle along with her college friend Kai, who is ready to invest in the hotel.

Jungkook half heartedly accepted the offer without knowing how this gonna change his life!!

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