Jennie Aunty

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Three months in Tae's life...

Few day's after his very first argument with Kai, Tae started to work in a restaurant as chef....since doctor adviced him not to work in any hot, closed and stressful environment, he had switch his job as a waiter in the same restaurant.

The change of place and happy and busy environment in his work place helped him to stay positive. But he often gets dizzy and tired because of his pregnancy. He even though to quit his job, but he need money for his expensive medicines and food expenses.

Kai had to sell Tae's car to support Tae's weak pregnancy and their usual food and living expenses as Tae is getting weak everyday because of his morning sickness. Kai sold the car and asked Tae to quit from the job as he himself felt bad for sending a weak pregnant wife to work.

Tae stayed home for a month after working in the restaurant for three months. His physical health improved a bit, but his mental health started to deteriorate. He started missing Jungkook a lot, he used to talk to his baby a lot to keep himself happy.

Two days after Tae quitting his job..

After Kai left to office Tae sat near his window while eating fruits around morning 10. He had to keep himself well fed to avoid complications in his already weak pregnancy. Suddenly he heard phone ringing sound from Kai's room. Tae avoided the call.

~ring ~ring

" Ahhh!!!! It's keep on ringing!! " Tae sighed to his baby..

" It could be your Jennie aunty!!! Eomma cannot speak with her either.... What??!! Omo!! Didn't I tell you about Jennie aunty?! She is your Jimin uncle's best friend... Yeah!! " Tae said to his baby while caressing his baby bump

" Why don't I attend her call?? No baby!!! I like her....She is very sweet and innocent... Eomma is feeling so guilty to speak with her... Also.. If she came to know you are here in this world... She will come to see me regardless...

Mhhhh!!! I forgot to tell you.... She is your Jeon appa's wife... Yeah!! Lucky girl!! She is kinda your mother....
Yes!!! Queen mother!! " Tae laughed to himself pating at his small belly in playful way..

" .... and your aunty have a big brother... Yoongi Uncle... I guess he would have been my brother in my previous life... He looks so calm and rude but very soft and caring inside.... Like a cute elder brother... I wish you meet all your family one day in your life... And.....Jin and Joon hyung!!! Interesting family they are... "

~ring ~ring

" See.... Jennie aunty won't give up it seems.. But I'm not to going to attend.. "

Tae said and again started to tell the whole story of meeting Jung gyu's dad again and again. This is how he keep himself engaged and happy. He will sometimes cook Junkook's favourite dishes to make the baby get familiar to his father's taste.

Taehyung is somewhat ok than he thought he would be.. Because he took a piece of Jungkook with him... Sometimes he used to play piano tune casette in his tape recorder to his baby which he recorded while Jungkook playing piano .
Taehyung and baby's world revolves around Jungkook,Jimin, castle, Sangaria..

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