Taehyung is mine!

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The city bus entered the beautiful hill side of Sangaria. Fresh cold breeze hit sleeping Taehyung's body to make his tender body shiver and his beautiful silver hair float on the air when the bus started climbing the Sangaria range road.

Lisa noticed his shiver and covered Tae's body with his coat. Tae blinked open his eyes in the sudden movement , just to look at the tall green trees of Sangaria through the bus windows, the trees almost made the place dark.

An unknown smile in his face and well known satisfaction formed in his mind. All of the sudden a wave of happiness hit his heart, all the face of his loved people marched in his mind. Suddenly he blushed thinking about Jungkook.

" Look who is smiling like a beautiful baby!! You made us all worried...." Lisa teased gently pinching Tae's blushing bread cheeks . Tae only now noticed that he is laying on a lap of girl with golden hair. Tae looked at her clueless..

" Hi Taehyung!! I'm Lisa... Kai's friend!! " Lisa said with a beautiful smile...

" Lisa??!! Joonie hyung's sister?! Wow!!! Finally.... I thought I'm never gonna meet you.. Jimin told a lot about you... " Tae said excitedly...

" Who is Jimin??! "

" Jennie's friend.... "

" Oh!! Yeah...!!! Forget it... How are you feeling now.. You made us all worried.. Why didn't you eat anything while you carrying a baby?! " Lisa asked..

" Sorry.. Unplanned trip!! I should have came prepared... " Tae said.

" Don't go for unplanned trip in this state.. Aren't you hungry??!! "

" Very hungry....!! But can't eat in bus.. My baby will push everything out... He is a angry moody baby.. Like his father... " Tae said caressing his bump, he felt no movement... Baby is sleeping as well it seems..

" Kai??!! Angry?? In which world??! " Lisa teases Kai... She knew all about him.. They three are thick friends..

He is not My Baby's father!!

" How long we have to travel ?! I'm really hungry..." Tae said changing their topic...

" We will reach in five minutes.. " Lisa said, Tae looked around to see many tribal villagers in the beck side of bus. Some recognised Tae but they kept quiet.

" By the way.. You smell really nice... Now I know why Jennie is sensitive about certain smell" Tae teasingly said sniffing Lisa's fruity smell. Lisa playfully placed a finger on Tae's lips to stop him.

" Shhhh.....I donno what you heard about us !! But no more Jennie talks... It's over... She is married!! "

" So what??! Ok... That's wrong.. You are right Karma is a bitch... !! We should stay away from married people... " Tae stuttered..

" Yeah!!! Ok... We are here Taehyung... Slowly roll to your back, don't push much.... Slowly slowly.... Yeah!!! I'll help you up!! Hold me..." Lisa said and helped Tae up.
Jungkook and Jimin are waiting in the entrance..

" Hyung!!! A city bus is coming!! It's new to this route it seems... Do you think Tae comes in this bus... " Jimin asked...

" Yeah!! The one stand in the front looks like Kai!! Yeah it's him... Ok!! Tae is here... Jimin remember.... we gonna play subtle in front of Kai.. Don't get too excited looking at Tae... " Jungkook said... He doesn't know Kai is aware of everything..

" You play subtle... You are the secret lover... Why should I?! I'm Tae's soul mate... I have alright to get excited. " Jimin said excited...

Bus stopped and Kai get down with a bags. All other people getting down from the back door of the bus. Jimin and Jungkook slowly walked near the bus suppressing all their excitement. Kai glared at Jimin ansddisplayed a smile on seeing Jungkook. Kai helped Tae get down slowly from the bus..

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