Who's fault?!

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Same day...

In Sangaria..

Jungkook is in his workshop office looking at the Tae's favorite flowers absentmindedly . He hung many Oxeye daisy flower pots in his office area, it calms his nerves to some extent. He felt helpless otherwise

Jungkook didn't came out of his room for almost a week after Tae returned back to Seoul. Only Jimin could come and visit him in his room. Jimin said  everyone that Jungkook is sick , but Yoongi find both of their actions little suspicious.

When Tae left the castle with Kai, only Yoongi , Namjoon, Jin and Jennie were present. Taehyung's two best friends we're missing. Atleast Jungkook was sleeping in library, Jimin didn't even came to say bye.

Yoongi really felt bad for Taehyung, when Tae left the castle with tears asking for Jimin several times. Whenever Yoongi asked about it to Jimin, he will avoid the questions or run away from the place. He never once answered him.

Only Jin and Namjoon took Taehyung to next town and from there Kai drove Tae to Seoul in his car. Jungkook didn't say a word about them for a week and Jimin is suspicious in his actions.

Jennie also noticed this but she brushed it off thinking that hey both are missing Tae as they have become Tae's best friend, when she herself missing Tae more than Kai, it's normal for them to miss Taehyung.

Jennie decided to visit Seoul regarding restaurant and also visit Tae,  but both Jungkook and Jimin denied to accompany her, so she dropped the plan and discussed everything with Kai over telephone. Tae also denied to talk with Jennie over phone..

Castle is very lively nowadays as the works regarding Royal restaurant is going  round the clock. But there is no happiness or liveliness which can be seen in any of the Royal Family members face.

It felt like always happy and positive Jimin forgot to lit up candles and everyone are drowning in dark.
In Seoul..

Taehyung is waiting for Kai to come home from his new work. Yes! Kai is working...As they invested every penny of Tae's father's money, now Kai had to work in account section of a factory.

Kai is not happy about this, but aiming for bigger profit, he decided to support Tae with his small wages.. Kai dropped Tae in the clinic that morning and he came back home around the evening time.

" Hey!! Are you ok?! What did doctor say... " Kai entered his home and asked about Tae's doctor visit, he left to his room even before Tae answered his question

" Kai!!! Wait....!! We need to talk... " Tae said and Kai stopped...

" Regarding???! "

" Me, my future and everything... "

" Our Future??!! What about that?! Money?! Don't worry, we are going to be the richest once they start running that restaurant.... Then I won't be working like this... " Kai said...

" Not about that... I want divorce!! " Tae suddenly said and that left Kai clueless..

" What??!! What??....are you kidding...??! "

" I'm not kidding... I'm pregnant! " Tae said and Kai was dumbfounded with that reply.. There was a complete silence in the home for few minutes..

" Who is the father?! " Kai sat opposite to Tae calming himself after a big shock..

" I don't want you to know... " Tae said..

" Do you at least know or you lost count??!  Or... Did you get drunk and slept with a gang of boys?!"

" Mind your words Kai... "

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