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" I will carry my Tae!! "

" Yeah!!! You should... !! " Lisa rolled her eyes and went to sit on the jeep.

" Everyone!!! Here...  Tae and my baby are hungry... If anyone have food please feed him... It will take an hour to reach castle..." Jungkook requested the tribal people as he don't carry any food, also he cannot travel further on feet without feeding Tae..

All tribal people cheered on hearing Jungkook announcement about Tae's pregnancy like he announced the hair to his throne. They were already yearning for a baby in the castle, now they cheered for their baby prince. For them marriage doesn't matter only heir matters.

" Give us a moment wang nim!! " A old tribal woman bowed and they started gathering all the fruits they have and two grownup boys ran in to woods to collect more fruits which are good for pregnancy.

" The whole village is shameless!! " Kai sighed hitting his forehead on seeing the madness of the tribal people...

" They have their own culture... !! Just divorce him Kai... You have to let him
go for your own peace... He seems to be in love with Jungkook " Lisa said..

" How can you say this... What about Jennie..??! What about me?? How can they toy with us..."

" It's not fair I know... But....What good going to happen in forced relationship... You both have to let them go in the end... I'm saying this for your own good... "

" I don't wanna make it that easy for them... "

I invested lot of time and energy on this for them to just take it away from me...

" It's going to end ugly... Its Jungkook's place...  Better to deal this in calm way..." Lisa said...

" Yeah!! " Kai said looking at them, he stopped his conversation on seeing approaching Jimin.. Jungkook sent Jimin to drive the jeep to take Kai and Lisa to castle. Jimin joined the conversation..

" I'm sorry Kai!!! I know this will be painful but you have to accept it... They are in love... and Lisa??!! Please Don't talk about this to Jennie.." Jimin said sitting on the driving seat..

" That's wrong!!! We should tell her"

" Jennie knows nothing about this... Let's talk to her slowly... Please dont break anything about Tae's pregnancy... Let's take it slow... I don't know how Jennie will react to this... Don't create chaos please... " Jimin requested...

" Yes!! Lisa don't tell Jennie.... She might lose it... " Kai said to Lisa.. Kai want some hold on Jungkook and Tae. When Jennie knows right away he will lose his hold on them , so he wanted Tae and Jungkook to fear Jennie.

" Ok!! If you both are insisting... I'll keep quiet about it... But I will slowly prepare her for seperation.. She can't stay with these cheaters... She deserves better.. "

" Yeah!! We all do!! " Jimin said..

When the tribal womens arranging for various fruits, some are grilling corn while other boys are searching for wild fruits and bird eggs in the forest, Jungkook made Tae sit on a flat rock seat behind a big tree to give some rest to his standing feet.

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