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2 years before The Avengers.

Even in the state HYDRA put him in, he still recognizes her sister. The strawberry blonde is strapped to a table. He watches as they fill two syringes with some serum. He frowns as he watches as the person of HYDRA injects her with not one, but both serums. He watches as she starts convulsing and he starts planning.

He goes into the cells and he looks for his sister. Once he finds her, he sees her on the floor. He opens the cell because these guys aren't as good at hiding their passcodes as they thin. When she looks up, she jumps up and hugs her brother. He doesn't hug back. He grabs her and pries her off.

"Find Bruce Banner," he says. "Tell him that HYDRA had you, they injected you with two serums. He will run tests on you."

"But B-"

"Go!" He demands. "I'll distract them. Get out of here. Maybe you can see Clint again."

The strawberry blonde glares at her brother. Clint Barton and her were harried for about seven years until he met Laura. He and Laura didn't get together until after his and her divorce but they wound up married with children.

"He's unavailable, brother," the girl says.

"Get out of here, sister," he demands, "no."

She stares at him, at his blue eyes, before she turns and runs. Her brother has dark hair and blue eyes, he takes back after their father, Jericho. She has strawberry blonde hair and green eyes, she takes back after their mother, Ariel. Her brother signs and he goes to strike up a distraction for his sister to escape.

"Dr. Banner," someone in the desert village says as she approaches Bruce.

Bruce Banner is out here to keep his anger in check so he doesn't Green out.

"Неко те тражи," the man says in Serbian. "Плава јагода, зелене очи."
(There's someone looking for you,Strawberry blonde, green eyes.)

"Пошаљите је унутра, молим вас," Bruce replies, telling them to send her in. Bruce recognizes her instantly. "Are you all right?"

The strawberry smiles at Bruce. "My favorite scientist."

Bruce smiles gently at her. "It's good to see you, too." He looks at her disheveled state. "You're not here to visit. You look like a mess. Are you all right?" He asks that last question for the second time.

"I was taken by HYRDA," she says and Bruce stands up, worry in his brown eyes. "They injected me with two serums. I need your help to find out what."

Bruce nods. "Okay," he replies. "Okay, I'll help you. But you'll have to stay with me so I can run the tests I need."

"That's fine, Bruce," the woman replies.

"Ко је ово, др Банер?"

"This is Mary Barnes," Bruce says, "she's a... she's a friend."

"Hello," the Serbian man greets in English. "Welcome."

"Хвала вам," she replies kindly and the man leaves. Mary turns to Bruce. "Serbia? Really?"

"It's secluded in this area," Bruce mutters. "It keeps me calm."

"So no green man here?"

Bruce cracks a small grin. "No. No green man here." He walks up to his friend. "Let's see what we can find out.

When Bruce leaves, the strawberry blonde exhales shakily. She's still rattled from what she went through in Russia. She took, like, two plans to get here. It took her a long time to even track down Bruce.

After a moment...

Mary Francine Barnes follows Bruce.

And over the next two years, Bruce and Bruce alone finds out what HYDRA did. She's now a hybrid, she's a siren and a banshee. Extremely powerful and dangerous. But she could come in handy for anything.

And that's why she is brought with the Avengers to stop Loki when Bruce is brought...

She could be of use...

And not just because of her ex-husband.

Holland Roden as Mary Barnes

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