03....Kim Brothers

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I'm here at university may be you can say at parking lot,as usual I have nothing to do except finding new toys for me as I'm a playboy you know?................
............................... May be not. Just forgot about it.

Me and my brothers are here.
And we are waiting for our three dumbass friends to join us as they are with their girlfriends,duh!! Bro are you serious? Who wanna spend time with those fuckin women. All women are gold digger and I, I mean we like to play around them. And currently I'm playing with seulgi.

I was thinking about whom should i approach next, my thoughts interrupted by One and only my little brother Jeon Jungkook

Jungkook(jk) :Jimin ssi I have been calling you for goddamn 19 seconds and you*pointing a finger to him*, you just ignored mr.
Jimin(jm) : shut up jk I'm older than you and I have eaten*counting with fingers* 2130 more bowls of rice than you.
Jin(j) : *face plams* aish!! You two can you be serious like tae now.

Jimin and jungkook looks at each other and later face the oldest and says a simple " No"

J: how can you be serious then, thank god, you are not serious orelse you might have been in ICU.

Jk and jimin did nothing except seeing the oldest laughing.

J: hey you punks at least laugh,
Jk: hyung I can't do anything that I can't
Jm: I can't force myself either

Rm: sorry guys we are late.
Yoongi(s) : ............. -_-
J hope(jh) : yeah what's up what are going to do today.
Jm: I have already planned to flirt😉 with some girls.
J: same goes to me, what about you three?
Jh: im going to library with namjooon, and Yoongi may be sleeping? *he said it most like a question and saw suga is nodding*what about you guys*points at twins*
Jk: I'm going to basket court.
V: nothing special. *says in cold voice*
Jm: y so serious bro? We are just asking .
Jm: why everyone is ignoring me?
Jk: because you are short and we can't see you from this height.

All expect Jk and V laughed

Jm: KIM JUNGKOOK I will kill you

Their conversation got interrupted by a horn and they saw four girls getting out of it.

Me and my friends are waiting for bell to ring and we saw a bunch of girls? May be they are only 4........wait......let me count.... 1......2......3......4......yeah.....they are four.
I thought we got new toys.

Jm: wow!! Look I thought we got new play toys. Right hyung?

Can he read my mind???

J: let greet them

I placed my shoulder on jk and we started to approach the girls.
Followed by jimin and V. As yoongi, RM and Hobi left.

Jm: Hey!!

They just ignored us?? Wow...

Jm: why everyone is ignoring me?
R: it's a unlucky day for you.
Jm: I don't think so, I met you four pretty princess, and you talked to me. So what do I need next?
L: excuse me? Do we know you?
Jk: No
L: Do you know us?
Jk: no
L: so don't talk to us.
Jk: what if we say no*smrikes at Lisa *?
Js: Take an appointment.
J: Which restaurant? Babe.
Jn: actually..A hospital?
Jm: wow...... What a fierce..
Jm: hey don't ignore me
R: unlucky boy.

Saying that they left. Me and my brother stood there dumbfounded..

Jm: interesting. 😏
J: yeah😏😏
Jk: the girl with bangs has something.. 😏
V: ............. Let's go
J: aren't you interested in them?
V: I don't like women.
Jm: what a boy.
Jm: stop ignoring my words you bitches. I'm older than you okay?

Jk and V just glared at him

Jm: Okay just doesn't ignore me.
Jk and Jin laughing "okay big brother"
Jm: you punk..*pointed to V*

V just ignored him again and moved in after hearing the bell.

At principal's


we are here to get our schedule. And we are waiting for principal to come as she/he is not here yet.

R: hope we get a same class.
L: finger crossed.
Js: you kiddos.

A lady came in, and we politely greeted her

Lady: good morning, dear I'm your principal, and my daughter is studying here and hope you guys will be good friends.

Js: sure! Mam

Principal: here your schedule, and one more thing, it's a temporary. And we will distribute you all students to your respective classes tomorrow. So enjoy your classes, girls.

R: thank you mam

We left her office and she is so sweet, hope her daughter is friendly too..
We saw our schedule and we got to know that we are at same class.

Jn: so....... We are classmates? Right?
R: yeah eonnie I'm so happy you know.
L: my crossing fingers worked*jumps excitedly*
Js: Girls let's go. And rule the university.

All except jisoo: yeah we will do it.

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