31.... What's that??

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Jennie's eyes we're wide opened and she saw the clock and it was 1:36 at morning. The sky is covered with black clouds. And the moon was so shy that it hid behind Black clouds.

Jennie tried hard to close her eyes but it was impossible for her to do so.

She heard the same sound which she heard before at dining hall while eating.
Jennie got scared and she was trying not to cry.

Jennie saw V on couch so she waked towards him with her blanket covered her.

"V!! V!! Wake up" Jennie voice cracked.

V's pov::::

My sleep got interrupted by someone calling my name, when I opened my eyes I saw Jennie sittin beside me and her voices was cracking..

"What's the matter" I said whilst sitting.

"V.. V...V I-I heard some-something and I'm Sca-red" She seems to be really scared and she was stuttering.

"What did you heard?"I asked her she was glaring outside without blinking.

"Someone there" She said pointing towards her balcony.

"Jennie calm down no one's here we are alone"

"No we are not something is watching us"
She pointed towards window and she was right I saw..

. .

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"What's that?" I said waking towards it but then I stopped when I heard a strange sound.

"See I said you" Jennie said.

When that sound got louder Jennie screamed and hugged me, I was really very shocked and I know she didn't did that intentionally. That's why I'm sad now...

A/N:: so you wanted Jennie to hug you huh??
V:hey you stupid author I mean I would be happy if.......
A/N::if.....what If??
V::shut you mouth. Whenever you opens it my ears will blast..
A/N::whatever, you gonna fall for her soon.
V:we will see*he rolled his eyes*

"Jennie everything is fine see that voice is no more see can you hea--" I would kill that voice now can't it let me finish my words.

"Jennie!! V!! Open the door!!!!!" We heard Jin hyung.

Jennie ran and opened the door and hugged her unnie sobbing.

We all yes all were at living room now we heard that strange voice again and we were all afraid...

"What if it's a ghost?" Rosé asked hugging her boyfriend.

"Cheng please don't scare me" Lisa is with her boyfriend too.

Me and Jin hyung were standing behind the couch where Jisoo and Jennie were sitting while Jisoo comforting Jennie.

"Will you still send her to haunted house noona?"Jungkook asked remembering yesterday's words..

" Let's go and check that out"Jin hyung said and all girls were glaring him like they will kill him.

"Hyung is right we should check it" Jimin said and all glares shifted on him.

"Yes I agree with you hyungs" Jungkook said and again their glares shifted.

"Let's go then" I said and I can feel four glares on me.

"Boys are right" Jisoo said and Jin patted her shoulder and she stood up and all followed her.

"Where to find?" I asked.

"Let's get divide into 4 groups with a boy and a girl" Jin hyung said.

"Remember to call when you found something fishy or scaring"

"Don't leave your partner"

"Are we really gonna do this?"

"We need to guys"


"Lighten this it will help you"

"But they are only three"

"We will not take it then"

"But Jen"

"It's final unnie"

"V take care of my sister" Jisoo said and I nodded.

We all then divided in groups Jin and Jisoo went in North, Me and Jennie at east, Jimin and Rosé at West and Jungkook and Lisa at South.

Me and Jennie were walking on hallway which is completely silent and there were no power and no generator.

I'm relieved that other have candles with them.

We were walking and walking and walking and walking and walking.........

The sound gets louder as we move closer. Jennie was really very scared and the situation got even worse when the Thunderstorm broke out.

Jennie ran towards me and hugged me she is really looking cute and she was crying like a kid when someone scold her.

I don't know why I wrapped my arms over her and pulled her closer and patted her back calming her down. Guess what it really worked.

She pulled away.

"Sorry I didn't mean to hug you, sorry V-ssi" She bowed.

"No worries let's go further"

"Further?? Why"she hesitantly said

"Come on Lee let's move already, I'm with you so don't be a scared cat" I said and she rolled her eyes, you may think that how can I see her as it's dark, I wanna say you that it was not that dark and a little moonlight was peeking outside the dark clouds...

"I'm really not scar--ahhhhhhhhhhh"she screamed when we heard the same sound and it was a little louder.

" Don't be scared "I said grabbing her wrist and pulling her with me.

Yahhhhh Kim V where are you??

Hey Guys.....

I'm really trying to make it horror think I'm not good...

Guys what it could be, any ideas??

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