04....bitches are here

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At classroom

Lisa's pov

Me and my unnies are at in front of our classroom

"May we get in sir? " Jisoo unnie asked knocking the door, As we were standing at door.

"Come in" A voice called us in. Jisoo unnie entered first followed by cheng unnie and jen unnie at last me.

"Hello, good morning sir, we are new students here." Cheng said.

"Good morning and please introduce yourself self" Mr. Zico our lecturer said

"Hello, I'm Lee jisoo, you can call me sooya."jisoo unnie introduced
" Hi, my name is Roseanne Lee Or Lee Chaeyoung, Rosé for short"Cheng introduced
"I'm Lee Jennie, you can call me with any nicknames if anyhow we became close, which is never gonna happen, anyhow nice to meet you" Jen unnie introduced...... I thought she gonna say just her name like, I'm Jennie Lee but it's weird she spoke much more.

I suddenly saw something blur in front of me and I saw Cheng is waving her palm in front of me. I got my senses back and I introduced my self, "I'm Lee Lalisa lily for short"

"Ok you guys can seat there"Mr. Zico said pointing towards empty seats. And we took it, I sat beside Cheng and Jisoo and Jen Unnie at back.

And Mr. Zico was about to explain something suddenly the door banged out, revealing 4 boys those we met and parking lot.

"Again, Mr. Kims im warning you all its my last time I'm saying it. Be at time next time, if you guys were late for 1 sec I'm gonna send you on moon"Mr.Zico said loudly. And those shameless boys didn't even say sorry and went to their places which is behind my unnies.

" Let us begin class, we are going to explain our new chapter.
So the chapter begins like this........ BlAh........ Blah blah....... bLaH......... That's all for today see you at next class" Wow the bell rang and now it's break I think.

"Unnie let us go I'm hungry" Cheng pouted
"Alright alright let's go then"said jisoo unnie.

At Cafeteria~~~~~

Rosé's pov

We are here after an hour of that boring lecture. And we decided to split in two groups me and jisoo unnie went to order our food and Lisa and Jen unnie being lazyasses maybe finding seats.

"-and 4 strawberry milkshake please"jisoo unnie ordered and we waited for our order.

"Yah!! How long Eonnie I'm hungry now"I pleaded and received 'don't hype we are waiting' look from unnie as answer.

~~Time skip~~

Jisoo's pov

Me and Cheng were taking out food to our seat and we went there and we were about to start eating then got interrupted by some girls, maybe1......2......3......4.
*counting them*yeah four girls.

"Hey bitches!!" A girl said.
"Enjoying food?." Another one asked.
" xxxx road at xxx building, note it down you will get help. No need to say thanks" Jennie sarcastically emphasized last sentence.
"What for? " The third girl asked
"Your friends require it as she has low eye sight. And he is a very good optical" Jennie again said.

"You holy bitch how dare you to say it to my unnie " The tall girl was about to slap Jen but suddenly Lily held her wrist causing her to scream trough pain.

"Don't you dare to touch my unnies or else-" Lisa's words were cut off by that First girl"or else what? Huh?? Don't forget who am I "well whose her I dunno but finally heard Lisa saying"or else you will be at 6 feet down below my legs" It cause me to smrik and we totally forgot whose she?

We heard an suddenly announcement saying

Hello my lovely students, I'm your principal. And today from now you guys don't have any classes, as we need to divide you guys into your respective classes based on your performance so look forward and we actually have many events here to check you talents
So dear students gather around the playground in 10 min

Have a good day.

We were about to go, and I forgot one thing

"Hey!! You miss..... Whatever we don't know who you are and we don't care, and don't mess with us" I filped my hair and about to walk and we heard "see you around"the tall girl interrupted"if you wanna regret than see you around"Jen rolled her eyes whilst replying.

"Oh my gwad hyung they are inresteting" "He means interesting" Rm corrected the youngest.
"It's gonna be fun"jimin smriked and saw no one behind as everyone walked away
"Jiminssi you have no time to spend selftalking hurry up, that old woman will be mad at us"
"Yah!!!!!!! Why are you ignoring mee" Jimin yelled from their back while running.
"Jimin hyung is trusfrated" "It's frustrated" "Yeah whatever".

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