21.... They are dating??

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"Huh it's finally over" Jennie sighed coming out of woods.

"Hope we get full marks" She said moving towards V's car.

V hummed.

Lisoocheng and Jinminkook were dating from one week and Jennie knows about it and V don't.

After submission of their assessment Bangpink decided to have lunch together at cafeteria.

"What's our next plan for tomorrow?" Jimin asked

"How about a movie night"

"No need of that" A voice disturbed them and it was Nayeon.

"Hey guys it's my birthday tomorrow so I want to invite you all"

"Ohh okay we will surely join you Nayeon" Jisoo said.

"Let's go for shopping today" Lisa said.

"Okay I will join this time" Jennie said.

At shopping Mall.

"Lisa let's go I'm hungry" Rosé pulled Lisa's arm.

"Unnie go with Jimin oppa" Lisa said yanking her arm

"Babe let's go, I will treat you love" Jimin stood beside her.

"Excuse me ladies I shall take my lady for a while" Kook offered Lisa his hand.

"Wait a minute, what's going on here" V confusingly asked

"We are dating you punk" Jin yelled taking Jisoo with him.

"Jennie you are alone"

"Hmm I will be at Chanel"

"Okay what about you V?"jimin asked.


They shopped for Nayeon's party and they decided to move to Kim's House and have a movie night with sleep over.

Jinsoo was in one car Jirosé and Lizkook in another while Tae and Jen decided to drive separately.

When they reached the Mansion.
V yelled on his brothers.

"Why the heck you guys are dating?"

"It's our choice V" Jin yelled back.

"Who are you to tell us" Jimin said.

"I'm your brother"

"Do you really trust these girls?" V pointed at girls.

"Yeah we do hyung" Jk glared and pulled Lisa who is crying.

"V behave yourself and they are our girlfriends you don't have to trust them" Jimin yelled.

Seeing her sisters cry Jennie hugged them and she didn't want to participate in brothers problems.

V left the room in anger.

V's pov:::

I am really angry now, how can they trust women are they out of their mind and even my hyungs and Jungkook took their sides and they will ruin our life.

I left kitchen In anger and I was about to go to my room.

Door bell rang.

I went to open the door and I opened it and saw



"It's V" I yelled at her.

She is the reason for my father's scar on his hand.

She ruined our family and now she is here.

"Why are you here?"

"To meet you Taehyung"

"I fucking said it's V" I yelled and she finched.

She is here to meet me or to get more money.

She used my father's money, she used my father and when he has left nothing she threw him like he is a trash and now she want that again.

Now my father is one of the richest CEO in the world she is here.

She want to use him right but this time I won't allowed you to do so, bitch.

"Get lost"

Hey guys.

Who you think this lady is??
Do you think because of this lady V won't trust women?

What's with Jen then why she won't trust Men?

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