26.... Meet Mr.Monkey (MMM)

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"Mr.Brave what happened you ran away" Jisoo said.

"I thought it would be a predator" Jin said getting out of van.

"Again we have same problem, how to go out of this woods" Jimin said.

"Let's not divide and we shall find the way now" Lisa said.

Everyone agreed to her words and they took their luggage and decided to walk being brave and oldest Jin was guiding them and V and Jimin decided to check on them by back side.

Jk was with girls guiding them after Jin. Jisoo and Chaeyoung were holding hands while moving as Chae is afraid if something will pop out of somewhere.

Lisa is really enjoying her boyfriend's company as they were walking with Intertwined hands chit chatting.

Jennie was moving all alone by herself with her hands in her jeans pocket, blowing chewing gum and listening offline music with headphone.
She was giving all badass vibes.

"Guys pay attention to path it's slippery you may slip and be careful while walking" Jin said.

"Slippery?, the water is causing it. It means if we walk with river bank we may find vacation house"

"How can you say that" Jimin questioned Jisoo

"Because we have our vacation house near river"

"Fine let's search for the bank"

"Just walk opposite to river"

They followed jisoo's advice and they found their way and they were moving opposite to river flow. They were walking and suddenly a monkey attacks Rosé's snacks and it was successful taking it.

It took Jennie's help, actually it took Jennie's head's help to jump on tree causing Jennie to lose balance.

V was behind Jennie when he accidentally got hit by her causing both of them to fall in water and the water pressure took them with it.

"Youpunkyoustupidandyounonsensemonkeydontyouknowyoushouldhaveaskedfooddontyouhaveanymanners" Jin rapped his words on which monkey scratches it's head and made a face like it was scaring Jin.

"Are you done teaching him manners let's go and save them" Jungkook pulled his hyung.

"Give me your address I will come to you if we won't find them and you will regret it you punk" Jin yelled again and monkey showed him a tall tree.

"Mr.monkey we shall leave now you can talk to your long lost brothers later" Jimin along with Jk pulled Jin and began to chase Their flowing siblings.

Hey guys.....

A short chapter..

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