13.... The name's V

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Meanwhile at Jennie's side.


"Jennie let me explain please" Jongin pleaded moving towards the younger.

what do he need to explain. Why she is moving back.

Oh hey!! You would be confused right, like what I'm doing here.

So I'm at balcony, even though Jin Hyun asked me to go after Jennie I didn't did that .why? Because I won't trust women.
I'm not planning to butt in there I'm just here at bar's balcony and looking down at pool.

Well who am I??

The name's V....
Who won't trust Women.

What if something goes wrong?? Well I don't care.

"No, I won't do that"

Wait she is moving back, why he seems to be rich and she is a woman and every woman is a gold digger.

"I I I want you back, I will love you forever please listen" Jongin said grabbing her wrist.

"Stay away" The Burnett yelled pushing him in the pool.

It's cold here he might be freezing, should I give him my jacket. He is so foolish to run after a girl.

Soon Jennie started to run and Jongin was following him all soaked.

"Kim Jongin, stop where you are" Jisoo yelled of somewhere.

Now here elder sister to rescue. What the heck Jin hyung is doing with her. Probably he found a new toy.

Jennie turned to see her unnie and Jin moving towards her, she was reviled.

She is fine now.

"Don't you even dare to touch her" Jisoo said coming towards Jennie followed by Jin.

Jin hyung is following her. Don't tell me he is in love?? Wait with a woman?? Oh yeah he is not a lesbian so he would.

Jongin was about hold Jennie's hand Jin yanked it for her and when he was about to punch him Jimin punched him instead.

Okay Jin hyung is supporting her, wait what Jimin hyung punched him, but why?

Yes Jimin and Rosé were next who arrived at pool.

"What the heck you did to my handsome face" Jongin glared Jimin.

I'm more handsome than him, right?

"Shut up bro I'm world wide handsome here and everyone knows it" Jin said.

Knew it.

"Yeah yeah hyung stop it already" Jungkook's voice echoes there.

So dear twin bunny is here too.

"Jungle book you need to wait for you turn to talk" Lisa butted in.

What Jungle book?? What was that.

"And what's up bro, you want my unnie back, after the things you did to her, we had almost lost her if we didn't arrived on time. " Lisa glared him emphasizing the last sentence.

What lost her? He hurted her? Is that the reason she won't trust boys?

I think I should go down too.

"Hey lisa let me explain and what we did was just a mistake we don't understand your love guys, trust us. We love you, truly love you, we want you to love us back" Jongin said.

What do he mean by we loved you, what's we here? As I reached nearer I saw the 3 other boys and The girls were angry facing them as a hungry tigress but not jennie, she was not spearing a glance, she was looking down and there were tears in her eyes which was noticed by Jisoo as she hugged her sister calming her down.

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