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Jisoo's pov:::

I Was at my room with these two twins who were messing my tidy room just to find candies, they think I had hidden them away from them.

"Where are my candies" Rose whined sitting down.

"Unnie you better give it to us if you don't want me to tell Jennie unnie that you ate her ice cream" Lisa said threatening me with a pen as Its a sword.

"I said i didn't hid anything" I said.

They didn't believed me and they searched again. What makes them to believe that I had hidden candies away from them.

Beep* I received a text.

I saw it was Jin....

Wide shoulder: Jisoo I want to tell you something please meet me at park at 5 in evening.

Why did he need to meet me I was in deep thoughts when Lisa snatched my mobile and read massage.

"Omo cheng come here and look look!!!! Come fast!! " She was jumping and it's really took long for me realize she read the message.

"What's that.........lily I think something is fishy..... Fishy..... Here" Rosé said.

They threw my mobile at me.

"Ok Lily and Cheng there are no candies here so~~what happened to ur room unnie?" Jennie came and before these two say her something I questioned her.

"What you said, you knew they are finding candies here?" Jennie nodded at her questions.

"She only told us about it" Lisa said.

"Sorry I didn't knew they will mess your room I just told them this because, they were on my nerves before, they were irritating me while I'm cooking"

"Nice job jen I think it worked congratulations" I said and she smiled Sheepishly.

"Well you know what Unnie, Jisoo unnie is going on a date with Jin oppa" Lisa exaggerated.

Jennie widened her eyes and she gave me 'are you serious' look.

"He just asked me to meet him"

"Well I think Jin oppa will be a good boyfriend" Charyoung said.

Time skip at 5...

I reached the park.

I decided to wear something normal and simple but Lisa opposed me and I ended up wearing this

And I reached the park and I was finding Jin and I saw a familiar figure sitting on the bench and it looks so familiar that I went towards him and I new it was Jin by his wide shoulders

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And I reached the park and I was finding Jin and I saw a familiar figure sitting on the bench and it looks so familiar that I went towards him and I new it was Jin by his wide shoulders.

I reached towards him and patted on his shoulder and he seems in deep thoughts so I cleared my throat and still no movements and I just called him my his name.

He looked at me finally and he was looking so handsome, I think he never lied when he says he is world wide handsome, he was looking like an anime character just popped out off in front of me and I don't know how to explain him I don't have words.

His suit is really suiting him.

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Jin's pov:::::::::::

I'm here at park from past half an hour probably waiting for Jisoo to arrive.

I'm really very scared what would be her answer. Is it would be yes or no.

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard my name.

"Yah!!! Kim Seok Jin" I looked around and saw a goddess behind me she is looking just perfect, don't know how that Punk D.O cheated on her.

If I was  in her place I might threw my pink slippers on him.

"Well I know I'm Handsome so stop starting me" I said and looked away.

"Why you called me?"

"You looks pretty" I complimented her ignoring her question.

"Why you called-"

Before she could finish anything I kneeled in front of her and I took a bouquet of red roses.

"Ms.Lee Jisoo I don't know what to say, I don't have words to describe you and when I first saw you I fell in love with you, I messed or teased Jennie just to get your attention, I asked Ms. Gracie to add me with you in our assessment and she did it, when I decided to propose you at woods but I failed when I found out that we wouldn't be alone their. When we met first I was into you so much and I want to ask will you be my girlfriend Lee Jisoo??" I asked her and she looks really amazed and she took sometime to think and she answered me....

"I would love to, only if that Wendy will stay away from you"I was totally amazed by her last sentence.

"Are you jealous?"

"Kinda I too had a huge crush on you from the first day"

"I will take it as yes to my question then" I said pulling her close by her waist and attaching my lips on her.

Hey guys.

I'm happy for Jinsoo.

Sorry I'm not good at writing proposals so sorry...

Hope you enjoyed
Next chapter would be Jirosé...

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